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  1. Dylburt

    check out my cherry bomb from bomb seeds. PICS

    nice looking plant! but dont you think the drywall makes it more suspicious if anything? not to mention its going to fall apart the second rain hits it!
  2. Dylburt

    Somebody chopped half of my plants

    close wont always help! had mine like 50 ft from my house and they got ripped last year.... although I'm almost positive I know who did it, my buddy who I think spotted them while taking a piss! so needless to say my backyard isn't even a possibility for me anymore! ugghhh!
  3. Dylburt

    just found a one hitter i lost a year ago ROFL!

    i am haha only thing thats throwin me off is that damn wood stripper smell, yuck
  4. Dylburt

    just found a one hitter i lost a year ago ROFL!

    just tryed it out of my bong didnt taste too good got me buzzing tho forsure, and its not all i got just waaaaaayyyy better looking than the stuff i got now, its almost brown -.-
  5. Dylburt

    just found a one hitter i lost a year ago ROFL!

    well i was cleaning out my garage and found my one hitter i lost a year ago (one of them things that have a ciggarette lookin thing in one side and place to put and pack weed on the other) and its still got like atleast a gram of what looks like some crazy weed but smells kinda funky (sorta like...
  6. Dylburt

    Cfl basic grow guide

    a bit old but will side and bottom lighting on plants be just as good as lst or scrog? wanna know cuz im gunna go 12/12 from clone and try to jam as many as possible in my cabinet without crowding them and was gunna go for more top colas and less side branches.. jw?
  7. Dylburt

    Can i use this light?

    i would say go for it,more light the better right? and with cfls its recomended to mix both anyways, cant hurt anything!
  8. Dylburt

    buds yellowing?

    ill post pics when lights turn back on
  9. Dylburt

    Frustration ...ready to just kill this bitch. Pics included.

    Send some of thoose babies this way ;)
  10. Dylburt

    buds yellowing?

    yeah just one and thats what i was thinking too but no the leaves arnt curling up there more curling and dropping downward and now hairs are starting to die a bit, and tbh i dont know the temps how my soil is and ive never fed the plant lol they were just some outdoors that i had to bring in or...
  11. Dylburt

    buds yellowing?

    okay so i checked on my plants i got going under a 1000watt hps and the tips of the buds on 1 plant are yellowing along with the edges of the leaves and tips of leaves are brown i thought maybe it was a heat issue so i gave them more ventilation last night. i dont got any pics cuz i didnt have...
  12. Dylburt

    peakseedsbc skunk/kush grow...seed to weed!

    would like to seed how this turned out im gettin some seeds of this exact strain soon
  13. Dylburt

    Hey everyone

    Hello everyone on the forums my names dylburt (actually its dylan) im new here ive posted a few times already and i love this place. i grow outdoors and indoors and will start a journal as soon as i get my seeds from peak seeds bc (very good seed bank if anyone needs any seeds and he will...
  14. Dylburt

    Does music affect plants

    i cant really do that right now only got a small cab grow going they all need to be in the 4 cfls range :p is it the plants that hate it or you? :p
  15. Dylburt

    Does music affect plants

    got any idea if they like rap? cuz thats basically all thats been playing? but ill keep the dubstep in mind :p
  16. Dylburt

    help please

    yeah plus 3 got ripped off a few weeks back and the remaining plants were mearly 40 ft if that from those, and idk if i have two week to go they seem to need atleast 3 weeks as they sit im thinkin an early harvest will probably happen such a shame :/
  17. Dylburt

    Does music affect plants

    Okay i heard this a long ass time ago that music can effect how a plants grows? if this is the case i dont know if mine are gunna do so well i got my sub bumpin beside my grow pretty much all day :/
  18. Dylburt

    help please

    i know theyll adjust thats not my concern my question is will it be too shocked and hault growth cuz i only got 2 weeks or otherwise i gotta chop early which would be a real shame these buds look potent as hell
  19. Dylburt

    help please

    I really couldnt temp has been around 2-4 most nights and got frost last night when temp hit -1, and also 3 of my babies have already got ripped and these were less then 40 ft from where those ones were....
  20. Dylburt

    help please

    okay so i just moved my babies from outdoors to indoors to finish under a 1000 watt hps because of the frost issue (light frost this morning). so i had to set the timer for 12/12 and that has to be from 6pm till 6 am because hydro is cheapest in those hours where i live. so issue is, is this...