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  1. Papaya

    Wut do you do if your outa weed!?

    I jag-off..and drink my way out..LOL VODKA AND OJ=SCREWDRIVERS!!
  2. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

  3. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

    Dam Im famous now..LOL The eternal Papaya..Well bite me people..U guys take shit too serious. I guess..maybe I am in-responsible or someone dat felt like they didnt want to deal with cops and crap. So yeah stay off my case and I get a trophie..?
  4. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

    LOL hit and run. Well Let karma come..LOL
  5. Papaya

    Shitty day

    dam dat sux
  6. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

    A better place...dude this world sucks!!! Everbody is dis-honest at some wat I did sumthing shitty..I really dont give a fuck..wat that bitch was screaming wat ur all blabbing about and yeah I dont give a fuck!!..LOL
  7. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

    I dont believe in Karma.
  8. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

    LOL..Alright..I hope it kicks it good..and trust me I know this aint the worst thing..!! U guys probably do worser
  9. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

    LOL..Say all u want..but one I was High. Two her dumbass couldnt brake on time...and she hit me..but I have a truck so my bumper took care of that.Basically her car got fucked up not mine. And trust me ive been on the wrong side of hit and runs 5 times.!
  10. Papaya

    My first Hit and run!

    Well my first hit and run was today and u know wat it felt awesome!! It was just a fender bender but that bitch got out of the car and started bitching so I got in and just left the scene!!! The beaty part is that I had temps that werent mine (I stoled them from someone) and I got my real plates...
  11. Papaya


    Well Guys can get raped too..well molested. When I was 6 years my aunt would molest me and *rape* if u insist. She forced me to give her oral this went on for from age 3-7 every once in a while. And I dont want to sound like a freak or anyting but over the eyars I though it was normal so I...
  12. Papaya

    explain what it feals like to be REALLY high.

    Yup M&M's!! We are a dangerous bunch..:D U know who looks at me weird while im high..the people at Hollywood movie thingy..when Im looking at there candy..I like literally open my mouth..LOL so mnay to choose from but dam I can only take one..and one popcorn and one soda..Life is unfair..
  13. Papaya

    City dealers

    I live in chicago and I cant find no weight dealers neihter..It sux really. All i can get is Dime bags and DUBS..but u know dats so lame!!! I stay by Brickyard..Riis Park neigboorhood..I really dont like buying from bangers..theyre always ripping people off..and Im afriad of saying sumthing...
  14. Papaya

    ACT Score?

    I want to be a teacher..just thought I say that..:D
  15. Papaya

    explain what it feals like to be REALLY high.

    I was so high..once that from one side to the other block I cant remember and all I know was that my girl was telling me that I kept on skipping and shit..!!! And I remember I had M&M's and yeah I forgot when I put them..I found them the next day in my hoodie apperantly I put them there for...
  16. Papaya

    ACT Score?

    I was wondering since mnay students are taking there ACTs todya and tommorow I was wondering wat was all ur ACT scores..? Mine was a composite socre of .....16..... Im slow..:D ALso does anybody else have short term memory loss..? LOL I would be talking and all of the sudden I forget..I...
  17. Papaya

    People from Illinoisi have good news

    Well I dont know if I should be happy or not..But..I mean it doesnt help me. Cause i have no problem..But im waiting for the
  18. Papaya

    Senior Research Paper

    All good Ideas!!! Thanks I think I will do The Hemp and Medicinal purposes
  19. Papaya

    Anyone else going to be without weed on 4/20?

    Im out for 420..its sux for me...
  20. Papaya

    Senior Research Paper

    Well Im one of the dumbasses thats been in High School for 5 years now and last year i got lazy and didnt do a Senior Reeseaerch paper. But this year im dedicated to do it. So my topic is should Marijuana be legalized..? Any ideas ? like impotratnt facts topics and shit.