Wut do you do if your outa weed!?


Well-Known Member
if you are outa weed, wut is the thing to do? do you scrape.? drink.? sleep?

(im smokin my nice black ooey gooey...almost the closest thing to some dank...im genuinely freakin high haha i love it!!!)


Well-Known Member
i usually have a stash of legal smoke called spice gold, if im all out of everything i just chill dont bother me that much


Well-Known Member
how is that actually?
hows what chilling or spice gold, chilling lol i dno you just chill forget about it just think theres always tomorrow , spice gold is good stuff bit mongy makes me feel really high and if you eat some, omg it makes me higher than wees, not the same high but it gets you high


Well-Known Member
i ment tha legal herb. but, it gets you high? you should tell me the name to look up, id like to look into it. alls ive ever heard was that stuff was bunk and a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
if its a legal high and its a bit more expensive then its guaranteed to work just google "spice smoking mix" dont go for that £3,99 stuff its crap


Well-Known Member
that happened the other day! it was horrible, I had to scrape my big bowl for the first time like a month, and from the other thread you'll see I smoke over a 1/4oz so that shit was blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, harsh smoke.


Well-Known Member
i just wait till i get money to buy more its doesnt bother me to kno that im out cause i kno when the next time i get high im gonna be super ripped cause my tolerance will drop down just a bit.

dont buy any legal high they all suck ..they put picture of real buds up and when u get the shit its all these nasty fuckin flakes of herbs pressed into a ball gives me a headache........but for SALVIA divinorum that shit is fuckin wickid ...when i first got it in the mail i was the first to try it i packed a full bong and ripped on it all of a sudden im in outer space and there is a line going right by me and my hand is over top of it and my fuckin hand had this big crease in it like it was connected to the line ...this lasted about 45 seconds when i come to im standing up,,,,twisting my hands back n forth slobering all over myself and making sounds cause i cant talk....its like i was a baby again learning how to speak .....after about 5 minutes im back to normal and look at the bong and the whole bowl was burnt ...the shit was so dry that i fuckin smoked a whole bong in one hit ..........scariest trip i have ever been on FOR SURE


Well-Known Member
I just go out
Forget about it

get home

then be like
fuck..i should have got some more

then get online
and come here
and be like
you guys suck
[just cause im jelous :P]

then 99% of the time..find some in weird ass places in my room