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  1. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    G13 Labs - Cinderella 99 60 Days Veg 65 Days Flowering Harvested at first sign of amber (Looking for a Euphoric Sativa High) cant wait to see how it turns out The pheno I got was extremely leafy so I am not expecting the best yield from this plant, but... everything was extremely frosty so...
  2. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    I run 4 under mine, but really how ever many you want to grow in a 4x4 area would be fine.
  3. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    Thanks man! The Method 7s are freaking awesome, also Black Dog is selling the same lenses now with a bit better packaging and Black Dog logos. If I bought em again I would probably go through black dog for the hard case :D
  4. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    4 Plants in that tent. More light is almost always better, I still go by the 50-80 watts per square foot rule with LED even though I am a little bit under at 45w per square foot. So yes if you are doing the 12 plant SOG in a 4x4 or 3x3 you should be fine. And thank you, the Black Dog does...
  5. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    Odd, looked fine in the edit window >_< should be fixed now though. Thanks for the heads up :D
  6. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    Got a new Macro lens in the mail today, so here is some budporn day 57f :D G13 Labs - Pineapple Express G13 Labs - C99 Bubblegummer Critical Sensi Star For some reason I really like this pic taken through the method 7s Full Res Images can be found here
  7. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    Hey thanks man! Havent talked to any of the BDL guys IRL but have dealth with their customer service a couple times with my light and they seem like a great group. BDL is actually releasing the same glasses with the BDL logo on it in the near future, sounds like oneshotgrow (on youtube and a...
  8. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    Planning on building a white LED veg panel whenever I get around to making a veg tent :D
  9. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    I have a pair of Lumii Growroom glasses that I was using with my HPS that I think protected my eyes from the LED but did nothing for the color or brightness itself. M7 actually worked with Black Dog to engineer these, I dont have other LEDs to compare them with but the guys over at M7 say it...
  10. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    Thanks man, I thought you guys might appreciate some LED nuggets :D
  11. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

    Got my new Method 7 LED lenses in the mail today! So pumped and my eyes are already thanking me! I would like to add that with this bigass LED my eyes literally HURT for a little while (3-5mins) after opening my tent and definitely caused me to squint for a little while. These glasses...
  12. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Deficiency Question

    Thanks for the advice I will take a look at the PH tonight after a trip to wally world for some strips :D
  13. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Deficiency Question

    Ha well I see I should have checked the forums after work I see there is another thread started a couple hours ago with my same issue >_< Edit: Seeing as the other guy only made his worse any tips would be appreciated otherwise I have some GoBox Calmg I will add to my watering tomorrow.
  14. JohnnyChronicSeed

    Deficiency Question

    Hi all, long time lurker first time poster. I am having what I think is a Magnesium deficiency 33 days into flower but since this is my second grow I would like someone else to see what I am seeing. Rundown of my setup 4x4x7 Tent 430cfm fan pulling air out through a cooltube 1000w iPower...