Method 7 LED Glasses + Black Dog Platinum XL-U Budporn

Got my new Method 7 LED lenses in the mail today! So pumped and my eyes are already thanking me!

I would like to add that with this bigass LED my eyes literally HURT for a little while (3-5mins) after opening my tent and definitely caused me to squint for a little while. These glasses completely negate that, I can literally stare at the Black Dog LEDs without my eyes hurting or squinting at all.

The ladies have now been flowering for 54 days and are starting to plump up real nice!
C99 and Pineapple Express seem to be the closest to done and are the most cloudy with C99 just starting to show a little amber.
Bubblgummer and Critical Sensi Star are still a couple weeks out I think, will be keeping an eye on the Trichs never the less.


G13 Labs - Pineapple Express

G13 Labs - Cinderella 99

Female Seeds - Bubblegummer

Delicious Seeds - Critical Sensi Star

  • 4x4x6.5 Virtual Sun Tent

  • Black Dog Platinum XL-U (750w True)

  • 7 Gallon Generic Smart Pots

  • 50/50 SuperSoil/Roots Organics Original

  • Vortex S-Line 6" with Phresh 6"X16" Carbon Filter

  • 200cfm intake booster

  • Vegged for 54 days

  • RO water with 5ml CaMg+ and 1.25ml Pro-Tekt per gallon

Method 7 LED Glasses

Woah! was my reaction to putting these babies on

Everything looks like its under natural light

No editing done, pic taken through the Method7 LED Glasses

No more flashlight or hauling the ladies out of the tent to inspect everything

The glasses take meh bud pictures, will keep using my ring light for budporn

Black Dog as seen through the Glasses

Oh yeah, heres the budporn! Critical Sensi Star


Cinderella 99

Pineapple Express



Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Sweet shades man.
I picked up some glasses, from Stealth Grow, a few years ago when I first started with LED's.
Nobody else had anything at the time, so I bought a pair, and I hate them!
The fact that the Method Seven's "white balance" the lenses so everything looks like that is amazing.
Mine do nothing like that, they do protect my eyes, but everything is way green, and I look pretty stupid when I wear them.
Next time I have an extra bit of funds, I'm going to pick up a some of those Method Sevens.
Nice camera work by the way :clap:
I have a pair of Lumii Growroom glasses that I was using with my HPS that I think protected my eyes from the LED but did nothing for the color or brightness itself.

M7 actually worked with Black Dog to engineer these, I dont have other LEDs to compare them with but the guys over at M7 say it should be a very close white balance for any other full spectrum panel.

Nice camera work by the way
Thanks I think I like taking pictures of my ladies as much as I enjoy growing them :D


Well-Known Member
OR............just use an ALL white led panel:eyesmoke:.................But I agree with the OP that the purple/pink hue sucks.


Well-Known Member
Great colas bro! I got to try the M7's at the max yield show and talk with the Blackdog guy(real cool dude). If you are rocking red/blue(mostly) led's or any hps, they are a must.
Great colas bro! I got to try the M7's at the max yield show and talk with the Blackdog guy(real cool dude). If you are rocking red/blue(mostly) led's or any hps, they are a must.

Hey thanks man! Havent talked to any of the BDL guys IRL but have dealth with their customer service a couple times with my light and they seem like a great group. BDL is actually releasing the same glasses with the BDL logo on it in the near future, sounds like oneshotgrow (on youtube and a buddy on reddit) is going to be the first owner of the BDL branded ones.
Got a new Macro lens in the mail today, so here is some budporn day 57f :D

G13 Labs - Pineapple Express

G13 Labs - C99


Critical Sensi Star

For some reason I really like this pic taken through the method 7s

Full Res Images can be found here


Staff member
youll have to reimput your photos. seems like you did something to your pics when you edited your post
How many plants are in there? Would it be overkill to use the Black Dog 750w on a 12 plant SOG setup, or is it really the more light the better, as long as you don't burn the plants? Awesome looking grow, man! I'm hoping to grow some buds like that when I get my Black Dog. :blsmoke:
How many plants are in there? Would it be overkill to use the Black Dog 750w on a 12 plant SOG setup, or is it really the more light the better, as long as you don't burn the plants? Awesome looking grow, man! I'm hoping to grow some buds like that when I get my Black Dog. :blsmoke:
4 Plants in that tent. More light is almost always better, I still go by the 50-80 watts per square foot rule with LED even though I am a little bit under at 45w per square foot. So yes if you are doing the 12 plant SOG in a 4x4 or 3x3 you should be fine.

And thank you, the Black Dog does grow some fine buds, the supersoil helps a bit too ;)
G13 Labs - Cinderella 99

60 Days Veg

65 Days Flowering

Harvested at first sign of amber (Looking for a Euphoric Sativa High) cant wait to see how it turns out
The pheno I got was extremely leafy so I am not expecting the best yield from this plant, but... everything was extremely frosty so anything airy or small went straight into my hash bin :D
Very low smell from the C99 as well, smell was no where near what I am used to. Normally my whole house smells like dank when I trim, trimming the C99 the smell never left the room the rest of the house smells fine.
Ton of golf ball sized nugs that are super dense, cant wait to see how it looks jarred up :D



dammm real nice maybe lean towards the Xl black dog then area51 but the price tag on tht bad boy is holding me back a bit