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  1. E

    DWC problem

    How warm is your water? If you're over 74 degrees get a water chiller
  2. E

    24 hour dark period before harvenst method

    The head dude at my local hydro shop told me he does 2-3 days darkness to allow the oil production to "recover" after it has been reduced by the heat from the HID bulbs. He told me that if I were using LED's the dark period would not be necessary. I don't think it makes a night and day...
  3. E

    Self pollination ?

    I think there would be variation because I had a sour diesel that selfied and the first seed I grew out was way more dense and smelled like stale BO diesel and rotting cantelope and it's parent smelled like lemon pledge and was more sativa in bud structure.
  4. E

    24-72 hour dark period

    They seem pretty good at first but after a while the trichs seem to recede and disappear. I just don't know if it's backed by science or is just a myth
  5. E

    24-72 hour dark period

    So I usually cut my lights 1-3 days before harvest because it's reported that this enhances the trichomes ( I'm assuming because light degrades thc). Does anyone notice a huge difference with this method?
  6. E

    Switching to hydro

    I have been growing in soil ( and usually 1 plant per round as a Dwc) for about a year and a half now and with my current two job schedule I feel rushed when I'm at home with my plants ( watering, pruning, etc). I would like to switch to a hydro system that is both; resistant to heat ( in terms...
  7. E

    Noob question

    Yeah it was definitely stress because the male flowers were at the top of my tallest cola which was super close to my light so I'm thinkin it was heat or light stress.
  8. E

    Noob question

    I had a female that hermied on me and I found 2 seeds in my last harvest. My question is can different phenotypes come from a hermie or is it gonna be the same generally as the plant it came from? (assuming the seed is female)
  9. E

    transplanting tips?

    Every hydro plant I've ever grown I've put the rooted clone straight into the hydroton and I've had a 100% success rate
  10. E

    When to flush based on Trichome development

    I read that a few days ago and I don't necessarily agree with it, I was just posting the question for people who do employ flushing. Thank you for the link though!
  11. E

    When to flush based on Trichome development

    I have three strains that are all at different Trichome development stages. My white diesel has a few amber heads and the rest are 50/50 with milky and clear. I'm thinking I should flush now and monitor the trichomes more regularly? My tiger's milk strain is 50/50 cloudy and clear so I'm...
  12. E

    Glycerin tincture question

    You heat your buds and trim separate from the oil/tincture and then mix them?
  13. E

    Glycerin tincture question

    I soaked trim in the glycerin and strained it yesterday. It seems lighter in color than other stuff I've seen but I saw in a video online that I need to "carboxylize" the tincture by heating it to 150 degrees farenheit. I'm wondering if this step is necessary and if it makes a huge difference?
  14. E

    Flushing question?

    That's tits man I'm growing sour diesel( allegedly), white diesel, and tiger's milk. Where and how did you get your og kush or the Larry og? The best shit I've ever smoked was some og and I would love to get my hands on a strong pheno
  15. E

    Flushing question?

    Oh right on I'm over on the east side in kent county. What strains do you grow?
  16. E

    Flushing question?

    nice location H338 east side or west side?
  17. E

    Flushing question?

    Flushing removes excess salts and fertilizer from the soil which removes salts and fertilizers (which ruin the taste and burning consistency of your buds) through osmosis from the plant. Try smoking a joint of your un-flushed and once you get done relighting it sixty times you'll see what I mean.
  18. E

    Flushing question?

    No....... A. I use my nutrients efficiently enough ( by producing volume and quality) that I can afford to lose a week's worth at the end. B. I'm not rich but recognize that it's an expensive hobby to have and it's worth it to use full strength nutrients every time rather than salted up water
  19. E

    flushing, before trich change?

    Doesn't not flushing ruin the taste and burning consistency?
  20. E

    Flushing question?

    I put my plants near a drain in my basement and just let the excess water flood into the drain