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  1. C

    Weird Colored Leaves. Is she dying?

    so i posted here a few weeks back with a drooping problem which was due to lack of water. Everything was fine for a while but then i noticed some of my leaves coming out of the buds were purple. I didn't think anything of it because purple bud is typically i good thing. But i walked out this...
  2. C

    Drooping Problem

    She's looking great! Thanks for caring. Had a huge but quick storm last night and it's still standing strong. Starting to get colder out so soon I'll probably be posting some questions about havevest time. Obliviously I'll be doing my own research on it but I feel like its always helpful to get...
  3. C

    Drooping Problem

    Thanks for the advise 5150. That's a great idea. It hasn't been too sunny theese past few days because of the rain but I will take that into account. And I don't know what soil was used when the guy started it. I would have asked if I could. We bought it for $300 flat. It should make about a...
  4. C

    Drooping Problem

    it was for sure under watering. I just checked after giving it water earlier today and she's looking very happy. ill post pics. ok ill go to the store later tonight and pick some up. i was also thinking about getting some neem oil because i read some good things about it. but if the other stuff...
  5. C

    Drooping Problem

    yea stealing a plant would be very bad karma for me and it. But thanks everyone, i think you guys were right. it rained decently last night so i came out this morning and its looking a lot better. i guess i was just too worried about overwatering that barely watered it in the first place. I will...
  6. C

    Drooping Problem

    Haha well first to clear things up. I did not steal it. Me and my friend invested some money and bought it. I would have loved to ask him all theese questions, like when was the last time he watered it and such but long story short, it was really rushed and the guy was ssuper messed up on all...
  7. C

    Drooping Problem

    I hope not. I feel like I haven't watered it at all since I got it. And even when I have, it's only been a little Thanks for your opinion by the way
  8. C

    Drooping Problem

    Hey everyone. I Just registered here because I need some help. Here's my story. So I've acquired this plant recently (its about 5 feet) and I feel like I've been taking good care of it. Giving it enough sun and water, the right soil and such. But these past two days its been very very droopy...