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  1. 303Medical


    Like they say, Pics or it didn't happen ;)
  2. 303Medical

    CFL light distance

    Looks like heat burn. umm, what your circulation like? temps?
  3. 303Medical

    CFL light distance

    As close as can be!! 1-2 inches
  4. 303Medical

    Need a taller plant help!

    No one can tell you anything for sure without pics. Post some pics and you will get better answers.
  5. 303Medical

    sog questions how many clones per pot

    Just use smaller pots! and only 1 per pot.
  6. 303Medical

    Best way to set up inline fan/filter in my tent...

    Most efficient way = Sucking air threw Carbon Filter into Air Cooled Hood and out of tent. Carbon Filter --> Hood --> Fan --> Out of Tent