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  1. M

    Amazing looking buds

    im thinking about cutting down the ones in the first three pics and the one in the last two i think they are ready and i dont want it to rain on them anymore and its supposed to rain for the next 4 days.......if there is any reason that u thnk i shouldnt speak now or forever hold your piece :weed:
  2. M

    Amazing looking buds

    nope just water man and really been slacking last few weeks because of vacas but they still look alright i dunno why more people dont respond what does the title have to be geez tough crowd
  3. M

    SBW's "beginning of the end" a harvest log '12

    some nice looking plants man how much u wind up getting after dry and the cat is great lol
  4. M

    Amazing looking buds

    so i got some new pics i took today do any of them look ready to be harvested or should i leave them they are starting to look so good and smell so nice im getting so impatient i trimmed some lower branches and been curing for almost 2 weeks now and its grade A stuff what do u guys think i know...
  5. M

    are they done ????

    is it okay to clip lower branches does it affect the plant because a lot of my lower bran ches are so covered they are barely getting any sun at all and the bottom ones arent looking as good as the top should i just cut them off?
  6. M

    are they done ????

    what does genetics man mean lol
  7. M

    are they done ????

    took some new pics today lemme know what u think......also codster your saying that once they are in the jars the smell will come the longer i leave them in there???also you will notice that i had to tie one down cause it got too tall is okay that those bottom branches are on the floor ?? or...
  8. M

    lemme no what you think how long till harvest yield estimate im thinkin qp

    well it looks under watered it looks like it still got about 2-3 weeks left and if i had to guess i would say u have about an ounce there
  9. M

    are they done ????

    yeah one branch fell off last week the wind was pretty strong and when i came out it was just barely hanging on so i cut that hung it up for about 4 days and now i got in a mason jar ..........its only been one day but like i dont get it where does the smell go like is the jar gonna make it...
  10. M

    are they done ????

    yeah they are pretty thick and thats not even the top much longer man im starting to feel like they are done i have about 6 others but only this strain looks done...its called blueberry and in pictures its supposed to be blue and its obviously not but getting back from vaca today...
  11. M

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    should i cut these puppies down or leave them for a bit more any input would be nice
  12. M

    are they done ????

    i would say 1/3 brown 1/3 cloudy and still 1/3 clear i read that you should pick before they all they brown
  13. M

    are they done ????

    keep in mind my nights are between 50 and 55 degrees its been starting to get cold
  14. M

    are they done ????

    put them under scope some pistils are brown some are cloudy and some are clear still new to this any help guys????? thanks
  15. M

    Diablo OG week 9

    where did you get the seeds for that plant?
  16. M

    Diablo OG week 9

    i wanna just shove my face in it
  17. M

    Are these done?

  18. M

    iposted pic in the thread wont let me do it here

    iposted pic in the thread wont let me do it here
  19. M

    Need Help Please

    first pic is the newest i cut a little bud off this one done?