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  1. ProjectICE

    flowering with hps 24/0?

    If i am correct in assuming that you cannot properly flower with hps 24 hours a day then how would you do this situation 4 autoflowers. 3 Fem Been running 600w MH for 20/4 and its time to switch over to HPS for the fems. Is there anyway to safely do this so that the autoflowers will still...
  2. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Yeah I'll tell you no prob. Just reply to this thread later tonight around 11pm EST and I'll type it out. I'm at work on my phone now
  3. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    I will be having some more picture either tonight or tommorow. A friend of mine came over and took some HD shots. One of our "Board Of Trustees" members at Norml is an editor for High Times. So hopefully I can submit a few shots and get something in the magazine :D For now these were taken...
  4. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Thanks man! Thats just wet weight. Final weight will be anywhere from 2 to 2.5 ounces Yeah its not as dense as it looks. My humidity was kind of low due to my growing conditions 600w air cooled with a 425cfm fan turned down on a controller. i could never get the humidity/temperature ratio...
  5. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    DAY 73 I think next Sunday is the day Edit: cheese was cut down on monday....183 grams wet
  6. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Day 68 Cheese - Estimated Harvest 12/8/12 Northern Lights Ive noticed some yellowing....but it cant be from nute burn due to the fact that ive stopped nutrients 2 weeks ago
  7. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Day 64 Cheese Ended up using some zip ties to keep it up Northern Lights
  8. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    thanks man
  9. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    lol and thats the smallest of all the plants. Im expecting approx 1.5-2 ounces in the cheese and 2.5-3 ounces on the northern lights
  10. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Thanks man. And oh yeah.....60 Day Wonder yielded 36 grams dried of some sticky ass bud
  11. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Day 60 The northern lights is budding beautifully and the cheese is falling over :( due to all the stretching and the weight its packing on it needs to be propped up at all times Cheese Northern Lights
  12. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Day 58 Cheese Northern Lights 3x Multi Auto Grow - Day 58 - YouTube
  13. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Ended up harvesting after my NORML Meeting. 95% cloudy trichomes 5% amber trichomes Def was ready for a nice head high
  14. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    And for those of you who know he is......
  15. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Day 52 Video Update
  16. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    Nah nothing vegging now. As soon as this grow is done im moving actually. Well, in february im moving to spain. So its gonna be straight outdoor growing for me
  17. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    DAY 52 60 Day Wonder Northern Lights Cheese
  18. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    me2 best guesses are cheese 2 ounces nl 1.5-2 ounces 60 day 1 ounce
  19. ProjectICE

    First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)

    You can do HPS all the way through. Its actually recommended. Me personally, I ran 24/0 for the first 30 days....then i switched to 18/6 for the remainder Also, I ran Metal Halide for the first 13 days to get some stretching, and then switched to HPS for the remainder
  20. ProjectICE

    Project's Ultimate Grow Guide

    Project's Ultimate Grow Guide The reason behind this guide is that everywhere I look, there is never an easy complete guide for beginners. There are always bits and pieces lying around, but never what anyone needs to get fully going with their grow. I have compiled those little bits and peices...