First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)


Day 60

The northern lights is budding beautifully and the cheese is falling over :(
due to all the stretching and the weight its packing on it needs to be propped up at all times


Northern Lights



Day 68

Cheese - Estimated Harvest 12/8/12

Northern Lights
Ive noticed some yellowing....but it cant be from nute burn due to the fact that ive stopped nutrients 2 weeks ago



that chesse plant looks massive for an auto and 183 wet? i woulda guess way more

you alsop mentioned leafs turning color near the end. Its not nute burn. thats a good sign, your plant is sucking the nutrients out of the fan leaves at its last stage of hunger

its a good thing.

nice grow brother


Nice grow my friend!
+ rep........
Thanks man!

holy shit. very nice man. How did you get 7 zips from 1 auto plant?
Thats just wet weight. Final weight will be anywhere from 2 to 2.5 ounces

that chesse plant looks massive for an auto and 183 wet? i woulda guess way more

you alsop mentioned leafs turning color near the end. Its not nute burn. thats a good sign, your plant is sucking the nutrients out of the fan leaves at its last stage of hunger

its a good thing.

nice grow brother
Yeah its not as dense as it looks. My humidity was kind of low due to my growing conditions
600w air cooled with a 425cfm fan turned down on a controller. i could never get the humidity/temperature ratio just right

And yeah i know about the coloring....i was just stating that it was happening. lol

wow that cheese plant is a fatty!! very nice!!!
Got about 3-4 more days drying left. And even though it lost alot of weight already....its still some AMAZING sticky ass bud


I will be having some more picture either tonight or tommorow. A friend of mine came over and took some HD shots. One of our "Board Of Trustees" members at Norml is an editor for High Times. So hopefully I can submit a few shots and get something in the magazine :D

For now these were taken today at Day 76

Could you please post your feeding schedule up with all the nutes you used?

You are using pretty much all the exact same nutes I am, so I would like to see how you took care of feeding. Thanks!

Incredible plants by the way, beautiful!!


Yeah I'll tell you no prob. Just reply to this thread later tonight around 11pm EST and I'll type it out. I'm at work on my phone now