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  1. J

    Transition from indoor to outdoor

    i always put my plants staight outside but they can go into shock for a couple days or maybe lose a few leaves or sumthing..
  2. J

    Pictures of my fcking yellow leafs wtf?

    probably nitrogen def
  3. J

    Growing in my backyard.

    A plant that has similar leaves to a pot plant is not a good idea because then it just looks like more pot plants but if you have a plant with a similar foliage with different shaped leaves like Crazychester said grape vines are good because the leaves just grow together and are similar in color...
  4. J

    Growing in my backyard.

    ya man if your growing a plant with the same leaves as marijuana then people are gonna think its weed too nd just attract unwanted attention a good way to grow in your back yard is in sun flower patch or you could bend and train your plants to grow really low to the ground...
  5. J

    Outdoor cloning

    ya man cloning is simple just cut the clone off dip it in water and rooting solution stick it into peat moss cups or w/e you wanna use put them in a humidfying tent and spray them down with water once a day... they should be rooted within a week
  6. J

    covering plants to flower early?

    if its in your back yard or somewhere you can be everyday then go for it if you cant wait untill harvest season..
  7. J

    A new start, a new beginning for Orange Shovel's Outdoor Season '08

    id be afraid that chilly powder and vinigar and stuff would atract mice and rats and stuff
  8. J


    i heard if you live in a dry area that is prone to forest fires people fly over the bush in helicopters checking for forest fires and at the same time they check for plants... but they would probably only see the plants if they were very obvius
  9. J

    outdoor SOG?

    you can do scrog outside.. but you will have to keep bending/training your plant, i cant say if it wil increase the yeild but it will be moe stealth...
  10. J

    tree top

    chyea man thats stupid just put it on the ground.... or in a tree thats got leaves
  11. J

    Water Timers

    go down to your nearest garden center and ask them....
  12. J

    I think i found the next location

    dude i go there all the time...
  13. J

    growing in a storage locker/apartment

    Do you mean a storage locker at a storage facility or storage box at your house?
  14. J

    Growing next season, some newbie questions

    it may not be the best idea to plant under power lines because of people servicing them unless the plants are short enough to be hidden from sight:joint:
  15. J

    To those growing outside

    where r u guys from? the indoor bud we have here is really good and the out door bud is also really good im from bc canada, so naterally i guess we do have the best bud in the world:hump:
  16. J

    To those growing outside

    :joint: Growing weed outside is sketchy because of the pigs, little punks that jack ur weed, deer anmd rabbits, bugs, the weather and other dangers but growing inside may be a problem if ur living with other people who dissaprove like parents room mates ext also growing inside can be alot more...
  17. J


    fuck the police smoke weed everyday
  18. J

    Places to look for Marijuana ?

    MY buddy and I carry a .22 and a 9 mil to our corn field grow op and i live in canada and if i saw u trying to raid my crop u would be fucked