Places to look for Marijuana ?

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Active Member
I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on where to look for marijuana in a corn field ? Would it be best to look near roads or in the middle of the field or at the back of the field ? Any help that would improve my chances of finding some would be appericiated .



Active Member
lol thats funny Widow, I live in Canada. There is such a low chance of getting shot in Canada. I have been looking lately and happen to come across shotgun shells on the ground . I know what you mean tho people wanna harvest their herb. So they will protect it at all cost, but i'm not to worried .


Well-Known Member
thats still a shithead move though really. even if you do live in canada, im sure people have baseball bats. personally i have a 105lb american bulldog that handles most of my problems lol. like widow said, grow your own. youll get more satisfaction. but if i had to look for weed, id look in the middle. youd be able to smell it by the roads


Active Member
Well I will look and take my chances, if I do find anything I will take pics and post them.



Active Member
MY buddy and I carry a .22 and a 9 mil to our corn field grow op and i live in canada and if i saw u trying to raid my crop u would be fucked


Active Member
ummm, aside from the possibility of ending up as fertilizer for the rightful owner's next crop, did it occur to you that stealing someone's plant makes you a F*#*$#* A*%!?#& thief?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
YEAH GROW YOUR OWN !!!!! stealing is low .....but stealing a mans herb is even lower ,id chop your fingers off if you stole from me


Yeah.. please do. grow your own noob.

you suck at life.


Well-Known Member
we got a life its you who needs to get a clue son, you wanna come onto a forum that is based around people growing their own, and help someone to steal it, if your not much liked for that, get a clue.


Well-Known Member
on a side note though you wanna check out canada round this area, the Okanagan city of Vernon ive read somewhere that this place is exactly what you are looking for, just look for the greeks.


Well-Known Member
omg dude who said i was one to steal herb, i just posted on the kids thread, i think u should sit back down sir, and keep ur panties from bein in a bunch.


Well-Known Member
if you read the general opinion on this you will see that your in the minority. I think you really need to take some time out finish high school get and education then come back once you have learnt how to deal with life.


Well-Known Member
ok first of all u dont know me. And how in the world do you go from talkin about where to look for weed to talkin about peoples life, lol people u dont know.
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