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  1. D

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    this was original a tread to some response, on ones pictures of buds.... seems like that all gone i see:-( even with a post online for 10 days... now the chop down has past and its even dry. so ......... whats the point?:clap::clap:
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    What is this

    All ait. Tx...... Ec is on 0,6 an ph is stabilisted at 6,0 ... so it better gotta work:-D dr
  3. D

    What is this

    it isn't too cold, its 25 C.. so not that. it is not the strain, ive done this this strain many times and its a 2 hybrid clon. it is also in hydro system, so can not put in soil;-) i guess i better just gonne keep ph in the glass at 5,8 and a couple of drops of A & B Leaves in.and see what...
  4. D

    What is this

    hey guys hope for little help here:-D. i have seen these red stems sometimes before but cant remember what it is or the reason why. is it lockdown inside the stem? becouse it is a bit harder then normal green ones is it lack of something infected with something?? Dr.
  5. D

    Super Lemon Haze, the end of the road soon??

    Hej fellow greeners What do you guys tink about these ladies? i cannot see any amber tricomes yet, but a damm lot of milky has appears. iam going for 5 -15% i would say a week more. what do you think? tried to get some good pics. Tx Ahead! Dr.
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    what about these ladies? i cannot see any amber tricomes yet, but a damm lot of milky has appears. i would say a week more. what do you think? Dr.
  7. D

    Is it time to flower???

    looking good, and healthy. i would also give them a big week more. what strain?
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    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    hej mayn first thing you need to do is check the PH in the clean water from your tap. to see what to regulate from. 2: Hydrocorrels/hydroton makes the grow media neutral instead of alkaline.. 3 : measurre how many ml ph down you gonna need to get a 10L bucket of water to 5,7 and multiply with...
  9. D

    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    you have acidly water then:D its depend how hard the water is where you live. the water here at my house are 9,2 ph, so i need approx 7-8 ml PH Down per every 10 liter ,water to get it to 5,8 ph in the whole tank. that was like 80 ml ph down every 3-4 day. so differenses are high.
  10. D

    calcium deficiency or heat stress

    do you have ventilation/fan??
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    Super Lemon pls...

    i have done lemon the last 2 years and i doent think it will help. justeepthem between 5,5-6,0 then all should befine. but again my guess is too much or ittle fert, i think mayby its too littl prhaps. could also be a block and you need to fluch a bit with ph neutral water couple of days. i...
  12. D

    Smoke or not to smoke? MOLD or THC?

    Not muld. but TRichomes:-D enjoy
  13. D

    Super Lemon pls...

    your right but you still have to keep the PH stabil if the should could uptain nutes best... have you read your PH yet?
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    Super Lemon pls...

    i think seen from the chart it could be sulfer def..
  15. D

    Super Lemon pls...

    what is PH at?? looks like somekind of nute block or defensy.. heres a chart DR
  16. D

    how many plants can I grow ?

    øhh its a 250w?! didnt saw that. .. 4 max .. go for 2 giant as mala says:-)
  17. D

    how many plants can I grow ?

    6 max if its a sativa dominent strain, and 4 if indica dominent! :-D 6 can be some hell of a work, to get llight to the bottum.. is it a tent?? Dr
  18. D

    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    hey drippi drippi It can also have something with the grow stones ( Leca) are you using hydroton or ph stable hydrocorrels then theres nothing. but if you have normal, buildermarket Leca as i had in the start. then PH will raise 0.5-1,1 at one day in a 100 l tank, so i guess its the same in a...
  19. D

    Cuttings 6 days old. first sign of something before roots

    just an update. i just checked the humidity again and it had raised to 85% :-D i hope good things happen soon.. i hope.!
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    Cuttings 6 days old. first sign of something before roots

    interresting teories guys, every has his/hers way, as it is saying:-D nice to join this forum instead of that Thc-talk, they are too slow hehe, and talks rubbish. this actually make some sence. ive done a lets say a dusin G before so aint no noob. i can only talk for me self, using for...