Cuttings 6 days old. first sign of something before roots

Dr Thc

hej Guys

After bakterie smack down in the veg room, i had to make cuttings from there Root- infected mothers, before it got too bad. I had to start over to be specifik.
now i have repeared one mother. But the 4 new cuttings seems to struggle or that is what i think, but cannot say if its water problem, heat, perhaps its perfeck normally.

what are the peoples voice?? they are 6 days and still no roots? 5.jpg4.jpg3.jpg2.jpg1.jpg

Room Temp: 25 C
125 w blue dual spectrum
hymidity 60%
a little watercane with 0,5L Ph 6,1 water.....

tx ahead



Well-Known Member
When I clone I normally cut more leaves. The leaves that I do leave I trim off half of them. I have read that this helps the plant focus on making new roots instead of trying to continue to grow.

Your clones look like they will root, they don't look like they are dying.

Dr Thc

ok!!:-D cut half the leave. that was new. but i get your point, force it to focus more at the root develop. i just saw, that they looked a bit hanging, but again its long time since i cuttet last time. good to hear that you think they will be ok. :-D tx m8. i hope so. becouse i have raise agains time over here:-( hehe

Bless and tx again


Active Member
i do my clones about that size and they take roughly about 8-10 days for good roots i normally do it in soil and after 10days i will put them in my flowering tent for a couple days and the roots tend to explode with growth in no time


Active Member
6 days is too early to start worrying! You didn't mention or I missed it but, are you using a dome?


Well-Known Member
Everything looks normal to me... It's a good idea to trim the leaves in half as mjjbable said. Keep them moist if they aren't fully ROOTED in 14-21 days they probably wont root. If you don't have a humidity dome get one and cover them for extra humidity. :-)


Well-Known Member
I rooted 35/40 clones with no humidity dome. Do not say you have a 100% success rate with one because you do not. There is no need for a humidity dome - but it will help I guess. I had better success without one.


Active Member
I rooted 35/40 clones with no humidity dome. Do not say you have a 100% success rate with one because you do not. There is no need for a humidity dome - but it will help I guess. I had better success without one.
I run aero including an aero cloner, I have 99% success rate with it and use no dome!! Except for aero, it seems like everyone has better success when using a dome! (Notice I said it seems, so no bad mouthing:):))

Dr Thc

interresting teories guys, every has his/hers way, as it is saying:-D nice to join this forum instead of that Thc-talk, they are too slow hehe, and talks rubbish. this actually make some sence. ive done a lets say a dusin G before so aint no noob. i can only talk for me self, using for backpain after car acident. and is a hobby now. so what iam just saying is, nice with some nice feedback for ones.

i´ve been taking half of som leaves of, and checked the new humidity to 78% with the top of my dome?? i doent know what a dome is, but what i have are some kind of mini garden house:-D something.. post pic. they looked a bit better today, but i think it is becouse the big ones died suddenly, and now everything comes down to the backup cycle.
a couple of drops of Cannazym to the cane. everything can make a different now. View attachment 2361685

i will put them i in the flower tent for some ours tonight while iam out, 16-22

else are specific temp somehow important ? i mean i know it should be somewhere between 20-27 c , but are there more specifik? and any good ideas to make the '" dome" even more humidty without soaking the plant in water and let it vapo. whats your thougs in general

tx alot again

DR. Bless.jok.jpg

Dr Thc

just an update. i just checked the humidity again and it had raised to 85% :-D i hope good things happen soon.. i hope.!


Well-Known Member
just an update. i just checked the humidity again and it had raised to 85% :-D i hope good things happen soon.. i hope.!
Just have patience. Keep your humidity up and keep things moist until you see roots coming out of the bottom.