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  1. X

    5 grams of hash and some vegetable glycerin...what next?

    So your saying 15 to 20 grams of glycerin for 5g of hash? If so that was what I was thinking.... a 3:1 to 4:1 ratio for max potency. That isn't alot as far as a final product. I thought about doing an alcohol tincture...but is the effect different. From what I am reading alcohol extracts...
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    5 grams of hash and some vegetable glycerin...what next?

    So I have about 5 grams of hash made from bubble bags and what i could dig and press out of my kief trap. I bought some food grade glycerin and was going to try to make my first tincture. I am going on a cruise in a month and would love to have a good strong mix to take under the tongue when I...
  3. X

    Hash and/or Kief Tincture?

    Duly noted. Thank you!
  4. X

    Hash and/or Kief Tincture?

    I thought about that but doesn't that still give you some smell when medicating? I will be with some family so keeping things low key is essential
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    Hash and/or Kief Tincture?

    Well my local Wallyworld didn't carry vegetable glycerin. In fact I asked several people that worked there and they all looked at me like I was speaking Chinese. Guess its off to amazon I go...
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    Hash and/or Kief Tincture?

    good to know. Was no shit about to use ever clear. Lol
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    Hash and/or Kief Tincture?

    dont worry about it man. I have never made any wanted to have a discrete effective way to medicate while on that cruise. I am thinking I will put the product in the oven at like 200 for 10 min or so then mix with glycerin at 10:1 ratio at low heat in a double boiler and see what happens. If I...
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    Hash and/or Kief Tincture?

    Wow thanks for the info. Just to make sure i got it... Should probably use glycerin if I want to take it under the tongue. And I need to heat it up with a double boiler if I don't have 4 months to let it soak. A ratio of 1g hash to 10 ml glycerin good?
  9. X

    Hash and/or Kief Tincture?

    So I just got about 3.5 grams of high quality bubble hash from the trim of my last harvest (2 plants). I am going on a cruise here in about a month and was thinking of making a tincture to take with. After researching a bit I have seen several methods, but most use ground up bud. Anybody know...
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    Liberty Haze from Barney's week 8 of flower

    Just a small sample of what I ended up with. Yeild was right at 7 oz from two plants under a scrog.:-P
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    Liberty Haze from Barney's week 8 of flower

    Yea all indoor. Been a couple of weeks now curing and it is soooooo tasty. BEST hobby ever!
  12. X

    Fox Farm feeders??

    I am using a soilless medium and waited about two weeks after potting them before I feed them any. They were actually starting to stunt and turn yellow waiting in food. Also using distilled water. So the plants have nothing but h2o unless I give it to them.
  13. X

    Fox Farm feeders??

    I am just now finishing my first grow with the full line up (3rd grow overall). I grabbed everything listed on the schedule on the ff website and stuck to it as close as I could. The only problems I ran into were due to having to veg for 6 weeks instead of 4 in order to fill the SCROG I had...
  14. X

    2 plants very near harvest...should I pull now or how long ??????? HELP !!!!!!!!!

    Althor is right. Depending on how your feeding them you could just start a flush and watch them swell up a bit more. Alot of the pistols should start shriveling in. Looks like a 10 day flush might do the trick. only on my 3rd grow so I am a noob myself . But i do know the only way to tell...
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    Fox Farm feeders??

    Just curious how many people on here use or have used fox farm nutes. Experiences? Do's and don'ts?? Use the full set or just a few?
  16. X

    Liberty Haze Week 8 of Flower

    Good Eye man. I did have a small nute burn about 3 weeks ago but was able to recover from it fairly quickly. I am using Fox Farm lineup and schedule. I SCROGd them so had to extend veg to 6 weeks. So when I moved into flower I went just a little to long without flushing. Tried to push them...
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    Liberty Haze Week 8 of Flower

    Flushing now. Can't wait! Please tell me what you think.
  18. X

    Liberty Haze from Barney's week 8 of flower

    My 3rd grow. It's so surprising how fat they are getting in these last few weeks. In the final flush now. CAN'T WAIT! Please Let me know what you guys think.
  19. X

    Looking for a LED $200 - $300 range

    Probably would need 1 for each plant huh?
  20. X

    3rd grow first journal, This might be helpful to first timers

    How many square feet are you hoping to cover with the LED? There are few well-constructed units in this price range. Try looking at the Hans panel. I was looking to get another tent about the same size as the one I have 2'deepx3'widex5'tall. I wanted...