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    Newbie with alot of seeds needs alot of help

    How long does the seeedling stage take?
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    How long should roots be on germinated seeds before planting?

    I've never grown before but am currently germinating 88 seeds. And I was wondering how long should I let the roots grow before I take them out of germination and plant them outside?
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    What to do about rabits?

    In my area farming is really common and rabbits are a problem as well. I would not reccomend most sprays or poisons because they can usually damage your plants no matter what they say. If it's a managable size to do so. I would reccomend a chickenwire fence. This will keep out rabbits and most...
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    Newbie with alot of seeds needs alot of help

    Ok so I started smoking two months ago, and haven't really stopped since ha ha. I'm practically a chain pot smoker. So the other day I decided to break all my stuff up, plant the seeds, and make hash with the stems. Well by the end of it I had 88 seeds! I started...
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    Trippy music?

    Scooter, Nessaja, and other techno. And if you have a car with subs. Anything where you can feel the vibrations from the subwoofers.