Newbie with alot of seeds needs alot of help


Active Member
Ok so I started smoking two months ago, and haven't really stopped since ha ha. I'm practically a chain pot smoker.

So the other day I decided to break all my stuff up, plant the seeds, and make hash with the stems. Well by the end of it I had 88 seeds!

I started germination yesterday and planted ten seeds already today. And judging by the way things are going I'll probably be planting around 24 tommorow afternoon.

I'm growing outdoors and my question is, after I plant my babies, what can i do to help them grow? I need advice a.s.a.p. before I get in any more over my head than I already am. Any and all advice is appreciated.


Active Member
I would suggest starting them indoor until the seedling stage is over. The seedling stage is when the plant is most sensitive to things going wrong. I'm doing my first grow myself and its indoors so I may be completely off base.