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  1. I

    Root gel and some experiments

    lol rooting gel is a sterilizer and also contains harmones too stimulate growth and development hense why the results stems also swell due too the main tap root bottoming out in the pot or cup and allows the plant too feel secure enough too intake vast amounts of water swelling the plant...
  2. I

    Germination question?

    here is a sure way too germinate seeds tried tested and true. go too any gardening store and request peat pellets they look like little dirt hockey pucks, soak the pellets in warm too hot water too sterilize them and as well too make them swell let them cool somewhat poke a small hole in the top...
  3. I

    Overwatering? Pics included.

    looks too me that your problem is that your plant has gone into a shocked phase maybe due too the increase of light and temp and lack of adjustment in watering for the new climate and growth rate also try checkin the ph of your water source and soil could also be contaminated soil product
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    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    the strongest strain i have had the pleasure of smoking is a hashplant indica hybrid called bumbleberry it was as sweet as the best afghani hash and had that lovely crystaly indica essence and look. very short plant producing about 1oz and a 1\2 quarter a plant indoor dried and 33oz and 24grms...
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    i need help

    i think i could answer all the topics you are interested in but you need too be allitle more specific eg. are you planning on an outdoor or indoor harvest 1. plant your germinated seed into a 4 inche pot for starters some water too your...