Germination question?


New Member
if it had been 3days and no sprouting, would be ok to carefully crack the seed open a little bit to help it along? perhaps the outside shell is not allowing enough water to permeate through and initiate the root growth.

i dont want to kill/ruin the seed, but ive germinated bagseeds in 1/2 a day (max 1 day) and now these WW seeds have take 3days.

what are ppl's thoughts here? anyone try this?


Well-Known Member
Dont crack them open at all. u gotta let them do what there gonna do. if there WW seeds i assume u bought them offline. So they'lll crack open eventually. They way i germ is i put them in a cup of water. Make sure there in a nice warm moist place. if u got lights for a grow room it might not be a bad idea to put them under that. im guessing ur probably using the papertowel method. So. yah. do that. they'll come eventually. patience is key.


New Member
yes paper towel method for the 1st two days, then bc theyve been lagging, i put them in a v. small "sauce-dipping" bowl and have them 2/3 submerged in water.

ive always heard put the seeds in a dark place, it's in one of my kitchen cupboards, but im thinking that the environment may not be warm enough, i live in the desert so it's not cold.

ive had really easy germ's w. bagseeds, those things sprout in hours it seems.

does anyone have specific reason why helping the seed along by cracking open is a bad idea? i guess i dont mind waiting, but ill be outta town in a few days and i'd hate to leave w. my gf after they sprouted.


Well-Known Member
Well, if your leaving for the weeked i'd day plant them Gals. what do you got to loose? The water softens the shell. So even if you dont wait till they crack. if u take care of them they will still sprout. But. i'd have someone keep them watered while your gone. But you'd be smart just to keep them germinated. if your leaving only for a couple of days throw them in a cup of water. That what i did. It worked out great for me. Mine r bagseed and they took like 3-4 days to germ


New Member
im only germing 2 of 10 i bought. if these dont sprout by the time i get back i guess ill just germ them all bc i had to wait 3 weeks for these seeds to come in online.


Well-Known Member
You might as well start germing them all, They'll be fine alone for a few days. aslong as you put them in a place where all there water wont dry out.


New Member
i only wanted to grow a few plants, not 10, also, ive never tried cloning so in case my attempts at it failed, i wanted to have a few seeds in reserve.

also, im growing for personal use, so i dont want anymore than a QP for myself to blaze.

i had one sprout today, but it's one of the misc. seeds that came w. my WW seeds. hopefully the rest follow in his footsteps.


Well-Known Member
I love the 24 hours soak in water the good ones usually pop a little in water then I put in a paper towel in a ziploc bag in a brown envelop and put it on top of my dvd i player with a remote sitting on top....the warmth from the machine helps tons..

I really disagree with germing then leaving...they will mold..if left to long then get gooey and die....I know cuz i just germed a full pack of sunflower seeds and tomatoe seeds the same way I jsut described and thought they may take longer to germ and by day 4 they had germinated and most were rotting..

EDIT: oh and say if I put two in the baggy and only one pops I mist the inside of the baggie and put it back for a day or more so....


Well-Known Member
I always find its the heat. Don't know if this will help. But i paper towel them, plastic bag (open a bit) and put it on top of my stereo where its nice a warm. Any electronics works pretty good, leave it on, temp is regular.....


Well-Known Member
I always find its the heat. Don't know if this will help. But i paper towel them, plastic bag (open a bit) and put it on top of my stereo where its nice a warm. Any electronics works pretty good, leave it on, temp is regular.....
thats what i said...but its too dry here to leave the bag open it would dry out in an hour or so and he said he lives in the desert


New Member
sounds good fellas, ive had 3 of the 5 misc. seeds germ, but im still waiting on the two WW seeds to germ. im leaving thrs night and today is monday so i have a few more days b4 i leave.

does anyone have a good opinion on how long i should let the root grow before putting into soil? should i just put them in soil as soon as the root pokes thru?


Well-Known Member
It really doesnt matter if you do or not. they will grow the same in the dirt. so even if just a little is coming out you should be all set


Active Member
here is a sure way too germinate seeds tried tested and true. go too any gardening store and request peat pellets they look like little dirt hockey pucks, soak the pellets in warm too hot water too sterilize them and as well too make them swell let them cool somewhat poke a small hole in the top end of pellet about a cm deep, then dip your seed in peroxide or rooting gel even spit works too sterilze the seed. place the seed in the hole and just adjust the soil in pellet allitle over the seed. take pop bottles and cut the bottom of and the wrapper, know take a flat plate and put a small amount of water on it put the pellet with the seed in it on the plate and cover the pellet with bottle keep bottle lid on and place in your window or under a light and leave it alone unless pellet drys abit then ad water too moisten the pellet again some seeds take longer then others due too the freshness of the seed


New Member
i thought those peat pellets were for cloning? do they have nutrients in them for the roots to grow?


Well-Known Member
Dude, do yourself a favor and dont listen to what anyone says. Take what they say and Research it, And if u wanna do it do it in a way that works for you.