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  1. R

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    how long for this ones??
  2. R

    how long for my onyx

    wtf guys no one can tell me anything, bunch of fucking retards, got like 100+ views but no one says anything, no one says shit in this forum cmonnnn guyssss seriouslyy
  3. R

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    hey not sure if ur still replying but i would like to know how long till harvest for my baby auto onyx
  4. R

    how long for my onyx

    yeah its smelling hell fruity
  5. R

    how long for my onyx

    hi guys I'm growing my onyx auto outdoors, its been growing for 40 days now from seed im wondering how long till i harvest? I'm planning on flushing at the end of this weekend, what u guys reckon? most of the pistols are still white, but it looks like the trics are all cloudy already?
  6. R

    -Exodus- HomeGrown's first stealth PC grow.

    hey man great grow, give us some feed back on my grow if u got time, im LSTing aswell n its looking great
  7. R

    LST an Auto Strain?

    zoo good my onyx auto is about 20 days old, i just tried the LST method and its working great
  8. R

    onyx outdoors + LST journal + would love some tips 2nd grow

    hey i was just wondering do u think i should LST it even more, i haven't done anything to it since the photos, but i seems that the lower buds aren't getting much sun at all, but i don't want make the main cola any smaller?? any advice would be appreciated
  9. R

    onyx outdoors + LST journal + would love some tips 2nd grow

    thanks mann, yea last grow i think i stunted it by changing pots swell, i read auto really hate it, thanks for the compliment mann, ill try to keep u posted every 2-3 days man.
  10. R

    onyx outdoors + LST journal + would love some tips 2nd grow

    how thanks for the tips guys....
  11. R

    onyx outdoors + LST journal + would love some tips 2nd grow

    hey folks this is my second grow of auto flowering, I'm growing the onyx from short stuff seeds, it is was planted on the 19th of december, making her about 17 days old, she just started showing some white hairs yesterday. soil: plain soil mixed with some vermiculite and perlites about 30%...
  12. R

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    heyy I'm just wondering when i should start flushing? I'm thinking on flushing it real soon like in a day or 2 n then probe cut her in a week, but as u can see the bottom has just started flowering. i guess cuz half the plant first? it won't harm the plant right? p.s the hairs have turned brown...
  13. R

    major plant problem helppp

    sweet thanks heaps bf80255
  14. R

    major plant problem helppp

    some more pics and some shots of under the leaves, according to me its bug free atm just gotta fix this nute problem ps it looks ready cuz of the hairs but its not, will those hairs go back white or they are fucked? will new hairs come up??
  15. R

    major plant problem helppp

    got rid of them using a dishwashing solution, not sure if that could have caused it? but i dont think so cuz the plant was lookking fine until i sprayed it with the new nutes and the next day, it was like this! uarguhhhhh
  16. R

    major plant problem helppp

    i had spider mites b4, but i think i got rid of them cuz i just checked them and no black spots on the undersides of the leaves. ill post some more pics for u guys in a sec
  17. R

    major plant problem helppp

    these are the nutes im giving, its all in thai so not really much point in showing u the label. and yeah next time im just gonna mix all the nutes in the water and water it normally, any ideas on what i should do with this baby tho? it still got a a long way till finish. Eventho i the dude...
  18. R

    major plant problem helppp

    hey guys made a big mistake the other day, firstly im just gonna tell u abit about my plant, its a autoflowering red dwarf, has been growing for 5 weeks now and b4 this all the hairs were white. it is grown outdoors getting about 7-8 hr of sunlight and was growing real nice until i bought some...
  19. R

    mini plant problem + pics helpp
