major plant problem helppp

hey guys made a big mistake the other day,
firstly im just gonna tell u abit about my plant, its a autoflowering red dwarf, has been growing for 5 weeks now and b4 this all the hairs were white. it is grown outdoors getting about 7-8 hr of sunlight and was growing real nice until i bought some new nutes for it, the guy told me give it A first wait 15mins and then give B. i sprayed it on the plant in the middle of the day not sure if it was too much or what, but the next day i check on them and they are fucked, nute burn all over it and all the hairs have turned brown and it looks ready to harvest! should i continue give it nutes or just normal water until it recovers? if it will.. im not sure.

im really not sure what to do guys any advise would be apprectiatted
cheers guys


Well-Known Member
What nutes? Oh and smack the guy who told ya to spray a flowering plant..;-)
IMG_0147.jpgIMG_0148.jpgthese are the nutes im giving, its all in thai so not really much point in showing u the label. and yeah next time im just gonna mix all the nutes in the water and water it normally, any ideas on what i should do with this baby tho? it still got a a long way till finish. Eventho i the dude selling me the nutes knew i was using for marijuana and he said these are the best nutes and he said spray them on :s
i had spider mites b4, but i think i got rid of them cuz i just checked them and no black spots on the undersides of the leaves. ill post some more pics for u guys in a sec
got rid of them using a dishwashing solution, not sure if that could have caused it? but i dont think so cuz the plant was lookking fine until i sprayed it with the new nutes and the next day, it was like this! uarguhhhhh


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2432301View attachment 2432302these are the nutes im giving, its all in thai so not really much point in showing u the label. and yeah next time im just gonna mix all the nutes in the water and water it normally, any ideas on what i should do with this baby tho? it still got a a long way till finish. Eventho i the dude selling me the nutes knew i was using for marijuana and he said these are the best nutes and he said spray them on :s
Your first mistake was buying something new that you couldn't read the instructions for yourself.
The second mistake was trusting a salesman.
Their job is to SELL, hence the title.
If they knew how to grow, they would probably be doing that, not working a $6 per hour job.
Give us some pics of the plant, but in the mean time, try rinsing them off gently with PLAIN water, and try to keep as much runoff as possible out of your pot.


Well-Known Member
dont sweat it bud... i mean you probably just dropped a lil weight off of harvest but the "hairs" your talking about... pistols yes sir they should come back just leave the plant same as always ad finish like normal but make sure your watching your trichomes thats how you tell when your plants ready in conjunction with pistols or just trichomes doesnt really matter but like i said ive had this issue a while back on my very first semi grow lol i sprayed some stuff on my girls to get rid of pm about 4 weeks into flower and sizzled all my pistols and knocked off all my trichomes so i just let her keep goin and in about a week new white pistols shot out and in your case the spots may or may not go away on the foliage.

and in the future dont use a nutrient that you have no idea what it does think about it whatever that plant absorbs you are going to be combusting and inhaling directly into your lungs!!! if your that strapped for cash just get some rabbits take there shit make compost and go organic its better on the earth and lungs anyway :D


Well-Known Member
Those leaves won't 'heal', but your new growth should be fine.
Just refrain from any more spraying.
Maybe you can google the brand that is on those bottles, and find a pic of one in english, then get your dilution rate from that.