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  1. Badman2009

    India Grower's Thread

    Hey guys, summer's here and it's gradualy getting hot as hell outside and so I'm planning on getting a shade net. Need advice on what type and color shade net would be best suited for the purpose.
  2. Badman2009

    Starting My First Indoor Grow - Part 1 - Germinating Experiments

    You talking about that guy who grew a freaking tree of malawi gold outdoors? That plant was fucking huge as fuck!
  3. Badman2009

    India Grower's Thread

    I think im more of a sativa person. But then again, as Franco says, just like there are times for whisky and there are times for wine, there's a time for a sativa and there's a time for an indica! I've never dealt with imported seeds before so i was thinking of getting the safari mix coz they...
  4. Badman2009

    400watt HPS COCO indoor grow

    Instead of using the general grow n bloom nutes from GG, you might get better results with their nutes which are specifically formulated for growing tomatoes. Coz I remember reading somewhere that the nutrient requirements for cannabis and tomatoes are the same. Also saw it on an episode of...
  5. Badman2009

    India Grower's Thread

    True that. You've grown mandala seeds and they've got their genetics from Indian landraces so technically they should be a little more tolerant to the Indian ways of growing. Is it so? Coz I was planning on getting mandala seeds thinking they would be more forgiving to my mistakes as a grower.
  6. Badman2009

    India Grower's Thread

    Micro and macro both. Good npk profile. I see you are growing imported stains. I've only grown landraces till now so maybe thats why I could manage with just the organic shakti! Even I plan on using organic shakti mixed with cocopeat next time. And maybe I'll get GG nutes if I get imported seeds.
  7. Badman2009

    India Grower's Thread

    Thanks for the help guys. Specially the part which said that is possible to harvest one cola at a time coz the top colas weren't fully ripe but the middle ones were and I was really confused. It got really sunny and warm later and that dried the plant up nicely. Also, anyone ever used bajaj...
  8. Badman2009

    India Grower's Thread

    El chupa, well said man, its organics all the way! You've been dearly missed on this page. Now guys (and Blackhawk ;)), I'm in a bit of a pickle here and need some help. My plant is just about ready for harvest, infact I was going to harvest it today but out of nowhere, it freaking rained last...
  9. Badman2009

    400watt HPS COCO indoor grow

    Do post ur experience with the GG nutes. Cz if that works good then I dont see the point in investing in AN n other such expensive nute brands.
  10. Badman2009

    400watt HPS COCO indoor grow

    Blackhawk, great job man. Hope to see some bud porn on this page in future! Wanted to ask what site did u get ur seeds from n did u order them in the breeder packs? I was thinking of ordering from attitude but heard both positive and negative reviews. And since u got ur seeds in 9 days, which is...
  11. Badman2009

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Man, I was itching to place an order with attitude too because of that sweet deal but in the north we dont get 12/12 all year long and the window of flowering is only between late september to sometime near march.. Also jan n feb r unsuitable for growing because the temp falls too low.. Wish I...
  12. Badman2009

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Its still a great bargain. What site do you order from? And what about stealth shipping? Cz i've heard people abroad get notices from customs at times. Though I doubt that would be the case here but still. You think its safe to get the delivery at one's own residence?
  13. Badman2009

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Okay so i figured out how to prepare a neem spray (since i cant find it nearby). Neem oil is insoluble in water on its own BUT add a drop or two of liquid soap and voilá, magic! Also elchup, you seem to be a fan of mandala seeds, what made you choose mandala? I saw that your grow with kalichakra...
  14. Badman2009

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Ya, I was thinking of doing the same thing too.. But is tobacco extract available in the market? From what I read, people had suggested soaking tobacco of a few cigarettes in half a litre of water overnight to prepare a spray.. And I bought some neem oil from a chemist (not a garden supply...
  15. Badman2009

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    I wouldn't know as I don't live nearby. I only checked out thier site where there's an option to buy 100 litres in a go. Anyway, any ideas for the mighty mites?
  16. Badman2009

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Garden Guru. Heard of it? Just google it if you havn't. They've got a general grow and general bloom formula.
  17. Badman2009

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Elchupacabra, way to go brother! I am elated to see more like minded people in our country. Started reading your thread a few days back and finally finished today. Your journey has been truly inspiring. That being said, SPIDER MITES! What worked best for you to get rid of these sap sucking...