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    Brownies and Euphoria

    from my experience brownies and baking with weed is just a waste of bud, i did not feel high at all the few times that i have tried eating weed. smoking it just works way better. and yes i did it right everytime, read several different guides on how to do it right, and followed directions...
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    What do u Yanks think of the NRL?!?

    i think that i don't like being called a yank... i don't get why people from other countries call Americans yanks, it doesn't even make sense.
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    Friends on crank

    yep only natural shit for me too, except for xanax and roxys with pills at least they are professionaly made so you know exactly what your getting
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    Get free a free pipe or hookah

    i guess most of you probally think im spaming or something since i dont really come to these forums, and then show up randomly and post a thread like this. but seriously just go check this guy out for yourself watch some of his other videos and shit and youll see
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    Get free a free pipe or hookah

    also i checked alot of other videos from this guy and he definably seems reliable and legit, just not well know yet. he is just trying to use word of mouth and free pieces to gain popularity
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    Get free a free pipe or hookah

    i stumbled upon this on youtube, this guy is having a drawing, the first 1000 people who comment the video are entered into the drawing and then 100 are selected randomly to receive either a pipe or hookah, the grand prize is like a 6 foot hookah. well heres the link...
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    well i give up on trying to grow
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    well you think the small space that i have is enough to grow multiple plants? i got new seeds germinating right now, and im trying to think of some way i can rig all the bulbs to be raised and lowered easily.
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    the plant died... i have no idea why, i did not over water, only watered when the top 3 inches of soil were dry.... i see stupid people on youtube mangeing to get a plant to grow with half the amount of light as me...
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    ok i got another socket, and a 15 watt cfl that im going to add when the lights come back on. so this will bring my total watts to 83, is this enough to produce bud?
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    anyone got any other advice for me to know so i dont mess this grow up?
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    yeah i probally will get some. so for my box how many cfls do you think i would need to grow a good amount of bud in that space? (probally about a foot and a half or a little more of grow space)
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    nevermind about the hps... i looked up a little about it and im just gonna stick with cfls... atleast for now
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    does lowes have the type of fixture that i would need?
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    i just found a 400 watt high pressure sodium at lowes for 20 bucks... is this the right kind? if that will work ill just buy it.
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    i just found a 400 watt high pressure sodium at lowes for 20 bucks... is this the right kind? if that will work ill just buy it.
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    well i only have enough room for one plant, and i don't really care if it ends up being a boy, cause ill still get some experience with growing and can still try again. also is the light i have enough to even bud? or do i definitely need to get more or bigger lights? im not looking for a...
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    First grow, is my box good enough?

    ok the box is about 2 feet tall, a foot deep and a foot wide. the tube is a 20 watt t10 grow light. the cfls are a 23 watt a 18 watt and a 7 watt. is this enough to produce bud? and the plant just sprouted about a day or two ago.
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    question about cfl lights in stealth growbox

    well im kinda low on money, which is why i want to grow my own weed so i dont have to buy it. i might get one of those lights if my first grow is a successful one