Friends on crank


Well-Known Member
yea give him his dope back , and when you do tell him that you dont want him to see him become a trainwreck, cus thats what happens to people that get to into the meth "scene". its extreamly addictive and has really sharp steely claws that sink themselves deeply into peoples backs. although if you are a person with self contol you can do the drug and walk away. turn it on and off so to speak. its the ones who seem to leave the switch on all the time are the ones who end up in prison without teeth. you gotta let people figure that shit out on their own.


Well-Known Member
meth is a physical addiction, since stimulants are never physically addictive. it will be more of him having to find a way to have a good time while he is sober all the time now


Well-Known Member
well, real processed out of the Lab speed is known as Meth. Speed you make with brake fluid and all those other nasty elements, is crank. I have(had) a friend that smokes crank for days at a time, at some old fuckers house. He was talking to me and said:

"dude, all im sayin is, you can make 1000 bucks off 10 boxes of sudafed, thats all im saying!!!"

he was stoked about it. it makes me sick. feeding poison to himself and then envying the guys that make it. don't talk to your friend, let him come to you. chances are, if he really loves the crank, he won't come to you. and you're better off.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, I'd talk to him about it first with true and sincere concern.
If he won't give it up, then it'd probably be best if you stopped being his friend. that stuff takes a person over like the exorcist of some shit. You may think he still a person that is your friend, but actually its your friend inside a drug addiction.

If it doesn't grow from the earth, I don't mess with it. but thats just me. I've done plenty of my share of synthetics, but that was almost a decade ago. I only go Nature Made now.


Active Member
yeah man, I'd talk to him about it first with true and sincere concern.
If he won't give it up, then it'd probably be best if you stopped being his friend. that stuff takes a person over like the exorcist of some shit. You may think he still a person that is your friend, but actually its your friend inside a drug addiction.

If it doesn't grow from the earth, I don't mess with it. but thats just me. I've done plenty of my share of synthetics, but that was almost a decade ago. I only go Nature Made now.
yep only natural shit for me too, except for xanax and roxys
with pills at least they are professionaly made so you know exactly what your getting


Well-Known Member
Don't turn your back on him!When he gets hard up you could pimp him out at the truck stop!This could be the start to you being the lot lizard king!All kidding aside talk to him and tell him everyone knows what meth leads to and you don't want to see him go down that road.