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  1. SouthernStoner

    florida outdoor growers please help!

    im preparing for my second year of outdoor growing in n. fla. Harvested three ounces from bagseed last year, and learned a whole lot.
  2. SouthernStoner

    almost ready to harvest and i need to know

    where are you outdoors where its been budding for two months?
  3. SouthernStoner

    Florida Growers

    Anyone flowering or preflowering in florida yet? Ive got 2 beggining to flower and one in preflower
  4. SouthernStoner

    yellowing leaves, then falling off

    thanks, i started to add a mild high nitrogen mix today, and hopefully it is natural. Also got some late start sprouts coming up. If anything takes a turn for the worse ill let you guys know, thanks again
  5. SouthernStoner

    yellowing leaves, then falling off

    i have 3 plants 6-8 feet started in late feb-late march. The problem is first with the oldest and is now happening with the 2nd oldest, the leaves closest to the nodes coming off the trunk are yellowing then falling off starting at the bottom and slowly working their way to the top. Both plants...
  6. SouthernStoner

    when does flowering outdoors start?(help asap plz)

    i've been budding for a week now..
  7. SouthernStoner


    i'm in north florida and have great rich soil here