yellowing leaves, then falling off


Active Member
i have 3 plants 6-8 feet started in late feb-late march. The problem is first with the oldest and is now happening with the 2nd oldest, the leaves closest to the nodes coming off the trunk are yellowing then falling off starting at the bottom and slowly working their way to the top. Both plants with problems are about 1 week into flower, but new growth is starting to emerge where the older leaves fell off on the oldest plant, there are still green healthy leaves, this just happens to the oldest leaves first, and slowly works its way out the branches. Is this anything to worry about or will the new growth fill out and give me a healthy harvest. I know pics are probably needed and may be able to get some up later tonight. Thanks for any help

ballin jack

Well-Known Member
Hey, I was having this same problem with my plants, but I'm growing indoors and it sounds like you're growing outdoors (am i rite?). I'm pretty sure it's just a natural part of growth, the oldest leaves eventually die and and fall off cus they're not getting enough light. However, mine started getting a little worse than I thought it should be and I ended up adding Nitrogen to stop the yellowing and eventually I had to add Potassium to strengthen the stems because they kept falling off easily. Signs of Potassium deficiency are red stems (which are sometimes normal in certain strains), weak stems, and browning/yellowing of the tips of the leaves. Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
plants in flowering will get yellow fan leaves more towads end when u stop feeding, think nitrogen may need increase slightly,see my gallery and look how yellow they can get,fucked up once or 3 times but smoke was ok.


Active Member
thanks, i started to add a mild high nitrogen mix today, and hopefully it is natural. Also got some late start sprouts coming up. If anything takes a turn for the worse ill let you guys know, thanks again


Well-Known Member
very welcome man will keep tuned in, interested to hear how story ends, molasses is ok for them 1ml a litre of water.