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  1. InAJar

    Please all your LED info here:

    nice journal! I apreciate all this LED info, keep it coming! I think it is the way of the future.
  2. InAJar

    Please all your LED info here:

    Every time I type LED into the search function, it comes back empty. However, I know there are LED threds here and that there are people here with LED experience. I need all the LED info I can get ESPECIALLY pics. Someone I know is doing an LED grow (not me) and I think they are using too few...
  3. InAJar

    The stop smoking commercial...

    What about the "high for a night, slow for a month" one? What bullshit.
  4. InAJar

    Security: how much wattage is safe?

    That's one reason I'm interested in LED's. They are a greener alternative, for one thing, and they draw less energy.
  5. InAJar

    Security: how much wattage is safe?

    Bump: Queston: I heard that police helicoptors with heat sensing devices can fly over and detect certain grow lights. Is this true? If so, which ones can they detect?
  6. InAJar

    What u pay per O?

    usually 380-400$/z more if you buy less quantity.
  7. InAJar

    For The Love Of God Help!!!

    I think so. They don't look that bad to me. Give them a couple days.
  8. InAJar

    What should I tell the hydro store I'm growing?

    As everyone said, any respectable garden store will not ask such questions. BTW what store have you ever gone into where the clerk asked you what you intended to use the merchandise for? None, I'm sure. If in the rare event someone asks (more likely another customer) just tell them tomatoes.
  9. InAJar

    first outdoor grow question

    I don't grow so don't take my word for it, but just based on what I know about plants in general, wouldn't it be better to place the plants where they would get a lot of morning sun as opposed to afternoon sun?
  10. InAJar

    HPS Bulb Burning Wood??

    Keep in mind that most homeowner's insurance doesn't cover fires started in illegal grow ops.