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  1. M

    The whole tri harvest thing question

    This could be a dumb question but here it goes. So everyone is like, "oh get a pound every three weeks". So I think.. If I have 3 plants all around one, say 600w light, then every three weeks I could get one pound. (Assuming I awesomely get a whole P off a plant lol) But also I guess to the...
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    How's this one lookin?

    Should I do less bubbles? It's dwc..
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    How's this one lookin?

    No opinions? :(
  4. M

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I'm experimenting with this tea.. I put 3 cups in 5 gallons of RO water and PHd everything to 6.0 it has air stones and whatnot, water temp is mid 70's. PH rose to 6.4 after about 2 hours. Is the rise in ph normal or did I mess up the tea? 24 hours later: 7.4 ph
  5. M

    problems with water :( seedlings and pics

    But seriously they're going to die if I can't figure out why the water just clouded up and ph rose from 5.5-6.5 in less than 12 hours. i tries some beneficial bacteria from the pet store which didn't help. Added more air stones and another pump, nothing.. Actually the extra air stones seemed to...
  6. M

    problems with water :( seedlings and pics

    Water ppm is 430 from the tap without adding anything.. When I was using ro water I added 100 ppm of nute to try and get the fluctuation of ph to stop. It didn't stop so I went back to tap water.. Sorry for the misunderstanding
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    problems with water :( seedlings and pics

    But that wouldn't cause the cloudy water or rising ph regardless of a 100 ppm nute solution to give RO some substance.
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    problems with water :( seedlings and pics

    I went to petsmart and explained my problem. He gave me some good bacteria stuff and something to make tap water not harmful. The roots where the neoprene slip is have a real light brown tint to them. The water is mainly white cloudy. He said its new tank shock?
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    problems with water :( seedlings and pics

    Awe wtf me neither.. Shit
  10. M

    problems with water :( seedlings and pics

    hey all, so my ph went up from 5.5 to 6.5 within 24 hours. im using plain tap water that had set overnight with a small airstone and pump in it. the water smells like grass that has recently been rained on.. 85 watt cfl going for now about 6-8 inches from leaves. ppm is stable at 430 ppm...
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    Root development on seedling

    I've tried the aero cloner before but didn't like it. I was using a 396 gph pump in a 5 gal bucket with 8 360 sprayers and the pump kept heating up the water.
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    Root development on seedling

    Ph 5.8 and ppm 180. The ppm has been 20 ish but I had a rising ph issue so I re did the setup to ensure light proof and put in a tiny bit of dyna grow and protekt to help stabilize ph. The cotelydon are curled but I see new growth on the new leaves each day and they look healthy. The stems are...
  13. M

    Root development on seedling

    Is it normal to only have the tap root after 5-6 days of being in bubble system? Like there isn't any branching off going on. These aren't clones, just little seedlings.Thanks!
  14. M

    The future of MJ's role in CA

    It seemed as though Cali shot out of the gate in comparison to most other states, however, I feel as though it has hit a roadblock with the majority of dispensaries being shutdown. I am mainly speaking in regards to socal. What do you all think about norcal? Will it continue to embrace mj or...
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    Feeding schedule

    If your plants are healthy as you say then why change what works?
  16. M

    Hydro nutes??????????????

    I'd have to agree with you, I hate getting dirt all over me on outside runs. Only thing with hydro is I worry about flooding my house while I'm at work
  17. M

    good germination techniques

    Germinating is pretty hard to completely mess up.. Just ensure they're always damp, in the dark and not at crazy temperatures. And if you use RO water you don't usually have to even adjust Ph.. There are also probably like a million YouTube videos of people doing what you're asking.
  18. M

    NFT gutter medium options

    The 4"x4" ones are like half the price of the 5"x5" too