problems with water :( seedlings and pics


hey all,

so my ph went up from 5.5 to 6.5 within 24 hours. im using plain tap water that had set overnight with a small airstone and pump in it. the water smells like grass that has recently been rained on.. 85 watt cfl going for now about 6-8 inches from leaves. ppm is stable at 430 ppm. temperatures are between 68 and 75. water temps are 65-69. humidity is 30-50%. the container is 100% light proof without a doubt. its also holding 4.2 gallons of water. bubbles seem adequate.. i really don't know why this keeps happening. they are nearing the end of their second week.

i had a mishap the first week, my water level was not high enough. i'm using a water cooler and did not compensate for the lid thickness when measuring water level. that's why root growth started off slow. i use no medium in 2 inch net pots.

hopefully someone has some insight, thank you

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I went to petsmart and explained my problem. He gave me some good bacteria stuff and something to make tap water not harmful. The roots where the neoprene slip is have a real light brown tint to them. The water is mainly white cloudy. He said its new tank shock?


Water ppm is 430 from the tap without adding anything.. When I was using ro water I added 100 ppm of nute to try and get the fluctuation of ph to stop. It didn't stop so I went back to tap water.. Sorry for the misunderstanding


But seriously they're going to die if I can't figure out why the water just clouded up and ph rose from 5.5-6.5 in less than 12 hours.
i tries some beneficial bacteria from the pet store which didn't help. Added more air stones and another pump, nothing.. Actually the extra air stones seemed to make it worse.