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  1. magee

    combining 2 different lighting types

    I have been growing indoors for about year. This is my 3rd crop and I was wondering if combining two separate light sources if negatively affected my crop. My main light source is a 600 w. HPS light and when the plants (4 at a time) get real tall I place another light shining down toward the...
  2. magee

    harvest and seeds

    I don't smoke pot I just inhale it into my lungs. Thanks for the info. its stronger than I thought it would be.
  3. magee

    harvest and seeds

    I am currently pruning my sole outdoor female plant after I air dried it for 3 weeks. As I am sitting here placing the buds in a container to cure I noticed a few seeds left on the table. Obviously, they came from my plant...although I did not see them within the buds. Does that mean the THC...
  4. magee

    bamboozled by mother Nature

    Mother nature is a bitch! In April I moved 3 seedlings outdoors and into my garden (northeast Ct.). At the same time I started 3 plants in my indoor GH ecogrower. While my female to male ratio sucked (1 fem inside and 1 outside), I had a lot more luck indoors, obviously. Actually it was no...
  5. magee

    clone wars

    I have been trying for about 4 weeks to successfully clone my outdoor Veg state plants (holland's hope) into my hydro GH Eco Rain system. The problem that I am having is that the the veg part seems like its dying but the roots are growing. Isnt that weird? Will the leaves come back? My...
  6. magee

    Any One had FRUIT FLIES

    I have had them throughout my grow and they did not seem to do any damage. Although I did enjoy killing them when I could.
  7. magee

    ecogrower help needed

    I just completed my 1st grow in a an ecogrower.....harvesting tonight. I started my babies from seed in the ecogrower. I had six plants going and 5 were male! Horrible luck. I was so pissed! Although, my one Female is a champ. It looks as if she may reap 2.5 z's. All in all I like the...
  8. magee

    Micro Garden Drip 8 Vs. GH Ecogrower

    I just completed my 1st grow in a an ecogrower.....harvesting tonight. I had six plants going and 5 were male! Horrible luck. I was so pissed! Although, my one Female is a champ. It looks as if she may reap 2.5 z's. All in all I like the ecogrower. But.... I have 2 problems with the...
  9. magee

    Aerofarm or Ecogrower which shall I buy?

    I just completed my 1st grow in a an ecogrower.....harvesting tonight. I had six plants going and 5 were male! horrible luck. My one Female is a champ. It looks as if I may reap 2.5 z's from her. I have 2 problems with the ecogrower: 1. The plants crowd each other and thus block a ton of...
  10. magee

    Are these babys ready to be cut?

    Wait a week or so until the tricombs are 60% amber and then hack away! Be patient.
  11. magee

    plant sex ---- oooh so good

    Thanks for the reply....but I am still not sure on how much longer I should wait. I do want big bud so time or size?
  12. magee

    plant sex ---- oooh so good

    I really just have a question; I am a newbie and my first bunch of plants are 6 weeks old (from germination in my ecogrower) and about 12 inches tall, do I put them on a 12/12 cycle to sex them? Or should I wait until they are 20 inches tall? Is there a rule of thumb for sexing? Do you wait...
  13. magee

    Rapid rooter

    I started my seedlings 2 weeks ago under 400HPS lights with good ventilation in a hydro drip system (the rainforest). The germinated seeds were transferred into "rapid root" medium which then was inserted between hydroton. The drip system works 24 hrs/day. Yesterday the stems gave way to the...
  14. magee

    weak stems in a drip system

    I started my seedlings 2 weeks ago under 400HPS lights with good ventilation in a hydro drip system (the rainforest). The germinated seeds were transferred into "rapid root" medium which then was inserted between hydroton. The drip system works 24 hrs/day. Yesterday the stems gave way to the...