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  1. T

    Late in the game

    i definently will bro,she is my pride and joy. so here is my non-herb relatied question, any ideas on how to get a better picture from my digi? its an HP piece of shit? it has like these wierd settings like "macro", is that the best?
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    Late in the game

    no journal bro, haha i was seriously too stoned and entrapped by her beauty to even think about taking a picture, but i will now, those pictures were taken two days ago and i'm gonna try and get some more pics of her, atleast some of better quality. and most definently will keep everybody posted
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    Late in the game

    gracias brother. i'm definently stoked and she is being treated with teder loving care dude. i wish i could share her with the world.
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    Late in the game

    thanx bro. she has been getting all the sun she could handle until this fucking hurricane. where she sits she gets sun from sunrise to sunset, so about 13 hrs right now. it looks like for this outdoor grow i she wont be getting a 12 and 12 until september 26th. so until this storm passes i have...
  5. T

    light question

    now i'm still kinda new to growing but the research i've done and the people i talk to who grow, adding more cfl's at 23w or 1600 lumens wont increase your actual lumen output. you now just have more coverage of 1600 lumens over the plant. which more light is always good. but the hps systems...
  6. T

    Late in the game

    whats up fellas, ok so heres the story. about 4 months ago i dropped a random bag seed into a plant pot i had outside on my balcony, keep in my mind i've never grown and wasnt really thinking about it. well the pot gods have graced me with a baby girl. I wish i had kept better data of the...
  7. T

    kelvin/color redering?

    ok, so i basically called up Home Depot and told the dude i was doing my senior thesis on the difference between indoor and outdoor "tomatoes" (haha i knew culinary school would pay off" He was telling me that maybe HPS isnt the way to go, but that he has some plant light....(dont buy that shit...
  8. T

    2 weeks into flowering

    hey, quick question. in your first picture, in the plant to the left is that black box a moisture meter of pH metter? or maybe just a speaker kicken them some tunes?? just curious. thanx bro.
  9. T

    Super Tuesday

    well, i am definently new to growing but from the posts and threads i've read it seems like your doing a fantastic job, and although alot of people of here stress the importance of nutes and pH and all the jazz (which is important) i still think that no matter what, if you love your plant and...
  10. T

    Right im getting pissed about The FLUX

    wow fellas, i'm still way new to growing but your discussion definently helped me out, especially the sun reference. so bare with me here, AlphaNON, what youre saying is by adding more bulbs of the same lumen out put DOES NOT increase the lumens the plants are recieving but DOES increase...
  11. T

    HPS:Help Please

    so does it need to be a specific ballast, because looking so far all i've seen is metal halide ballasts and HID (which i thought was the category that included MH and HPS)?
  12. T

    HPS:Help Please

    so if i get a ballast, does the bulb plug directely into the ballast or am i looking at having to purchase a ballast and a fixture?
  13. T

    HPS:Help Please

    ok, two different answers. 1. no socket works. 2. he said nothing of a ballast, and i only vaguely know....any help would be awesome....
  14. T

    HPS:Help Please

    so i went to the hardware store today and bought a 70w HPS bulb, just for now. the guy told me that i should be able to plug it into any regular light socket.......yet no socket has worked with it. Do I need a special socket or something to get my HPS to light?
  15. T

    How old is this plant and how does it look?

    dude, highly uncool man. like ECLdazed said man, thats someones child. I know i just started growing........ MY OWN ...........and if someone just came along and took it, not only would i become like super investigator...but it would hurt deep down man, **tear** i love my babies. and with all...
  16. T


    p.s. they are still small, maybe 1.5" tall, two herb looking leaves and still two round leaves, but they are sprouting in the middle..
  17. T


    ok, so i set up a small grow room in my shower for 5 plants, but because of money i could only afford a light set-up that produces 4800 lumens. so heres my question. Timing the average daylight in my area i only get about 11.5, i've been running them 18-6 under the 4800. would it shock the...
  18. T

    300w cfl enough?

    1600 lumens a piece, equivalency of 100w, 3 of them
  19. T


    so do you think 300w cfl will be enough for 5 plants in a 2.5' x 2.5' x 9"? just until i can tell the sex and remove the males.??
  20. T

    300w cfl enough?

    5 plants, 1.5" tall in a 2.5' x 2.5' x 8', well ventilated. blood meal and bone meal in soil........ i had to kinda ghetto rig my lights, i have 3 100w cfl hanging 5" from plants. IS THAT ENOUGH LIGHT?? much thanx