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  1. R

    PH problems, how much more time?

    Hey guys quick photo update, just been given her water. how she looking? getting a little yellow
  2. R

    PH problems, how much more time?

    Hey Guys thanks for the reply, puts me at ease that I am not over doing it! first time and i know it won't be perfect but may as well get it as good as I can. When you say 'carbs' are you refering to sugar like the other post above?
  3. R

    PH problems, how much more time?

    Hi All, I am nearing the end of my first grow I have one plant with 7 23w clfs, 2700ks, a couple fans, humidity is around 40-50 (sometimes lower) during day and 70-80 at night. temps stay below 28-29C all times down to 20 at night. Never really spent alot on on dirt or nuts, using 15-30-15...
  4. R

    Which of these nutes should I use to flower??

    was wondering this as well, i have both 5400s and 2700s should i move over to all 2700s ?
  5. R

    How Close To Harvest? Almost Week 9

    whoa, wheres all the hate from? I think someones momma denied them the breast.
  6. R

    Harvest in the Dark???

    ^ side note: I wouldn't harvest and trim in the dark I am sure the plant isn't going to be producing any extra THC while your cutting her to pieces.... at least I wouldn't
  7. R

    Harvest in the Dark???

    Just read an older post about this, they were saying that THC degrades in the light because it absorbs some of the sunlight ( supposedly THC is a natural sunscreen) and then over night the plants replenish the THC for the next day. They went on to quote ??hightimes mag??[don't quote me on...
  8. R

    Brown Spots on couple of the bottom leaves

    Okay I will give it a shot.
  9. R

    Brown Spots on couple of the bottom leaves

    Yea I am going to make sure that I pH tomorrow. I actually have Cal Mag pills, 333 mg of Cal and 167 of Mag per pill, can i bust these open and use these? If so how much should i use? ie 10mL/gal = ?? mg/gal? Thanks for the replies!
  10. R

    Brown Spots on couple of the bottom leaves

    Thanks for the quick reply i will pick some up for next watering
  11. R

    Brown Spots on couple of the bottom leaves

    Hey All first time poster here, I am about 4 weeks into my first grow with a small grow box. everything has been going good, I started before the box was exactly ready and just added 2 more hanging cfl's to the mix (i have 4 5000K and 2 2700K 1600 lumen bulbs). I just noticed this morning...