Harvest in the Dark???

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about harvesting in the dark? I was gonna do a dry, trim, then cure harvest. I was thinking of putting my babies in 36hrs of darkness before harvest. Then get a black light so dark period is not interrupted and harvest my babies in dark. Also would I be able to keep trimmings for hash oil if I'm drying then trimming right before curing?


Active Member
I think once you cut the plant down and begin to trim doing it in darkness would be only a burden to you and wouldn't effect the product, though they do say THC degrades in light so who knows, its worth a shot. But I caution against the black light, although it is not optimal, the plant CAN absorb its light, the best bet for light to allow you to see that wont wake up the plant is a green light as that is the only spectrum a plant can't absorb. Also you can still use the trimmings.


Well-Known Member
You think harvesting and trimming in the dark is going to make a difference, come on how can anyone think like this. Look how long does it take to chop a plant and trim it, do branch by branch and it takes 10 minutes per branch, ok thats 10 minutes of light that a branch is getting, then its going to be hung to die/dry so its not really going to do anything. Its like saying chop your plants with a knife instead of scissors because the knife gives the bud more potency.


Well-Known Member
I think once you cut the plant down and begin to trim doing it in darkness would be only a burden to you and wouldn't effect the product, though they do say THC degrades in light so who knows, its worth a shot. But I caution against the black light, although it is not optimal, the plant CAN absorb its light, the best bet for light to allow you to see that wont wake up the plant is a green light as that is the only spectrum a plant can't absorb. Also you can still use the trimmings.
If thc degrades in light why are we all growing with lights, fuck that ima start growing in the darkness from now on.


Active Member
If thc degrades in light why are we all growing with lights, fuck that ima start growing in the darkness from now on.
Don't be a jackass, It's just something I heard, and as far as I've read its true. This is why they say to cure in dark. When the plant is ALIVE the THC is still growing, not the case once it's dead. Correcting information is one thing, that statement makes you look not only like a jerk, but a dumb one at that.


Well-Known Member
oh totally works awesome. But only if you do it naked. You will also need a large triangle/pyramid to cure the bud under which is obviously going to be surrounded by crystals.
The real secret you never see on the internet though is that you have to crop from the bottom of the plants and work your way up after driving a nail through the base of the plant. Youll also want to walk backwards the whole time.
And I hate to tell you but if you use a black light it totally ruins the whole process. You can either get nightvision goggles or do it blind for best results.


Just read an older post about this, they were saying that THC degrades in the light because it absorbs some of the sunlight ( supposedly THC is a natural sunscreen) and then over night the plants replenish the THC for the next day. They went on to quote ??hightimes mag??[don't quote me on that one] saying that giving it up to 72 hrs of darkness can get up to 30% more THC (strain dependent), saying that it takes this long to use up the stored energy. Also they were going off about using cold water during this dark period didn't read what this does exactly if there is anyone with input.
either way I am inclined to try, my only question is if TODAY i would be harvesting, do I turn out the lights and wait three days or if I would normally harvest in 3 days do i turn off light cycles.



^ side note: I wouldn't harvest and trim in the dark I am sure the plant isn't going to be producing any extra THC while your cutting her to pieces.... at least I wouldn't
The 36 hour dark period isnt a crock, it may or may not produce more trichs Idk....but it DOES cause increased terpinoid production,which increases the aroma of your bud.36hours in the dark will get her smelling like like your bud should. Just smell your grow in the morning as soon as lights come off and then again when you turn them out and see which smells strongest. The period directly after its dark period or the one after a day of light?


Well-Known Member
Don't be a jackass, It's just something I heard, and as far as I've read its true. This is why they say to cure in dark. When the plant is ALIVE the THC is still growing, not the case once it's dead. Correcting information is one thing, that statement makes you look not only like a jerk, but a dumb one at that.
Yes you do cure in the dark, but for the amount of light that the plant is going to recieve during trimming(10-15 minutes) is nothing to be concerned about as for the thc degrading, you look like a jackass posting threads like this man.

what reggie said. ^^

And be careful you dont want to cut you're self in the dark.


Well-Known Member
if you really want to harvest in the dark buy a green cfl. plants do not absorb green light and it doesn't effect their photoperiod. as for degrading THC, that i am not sure of because i think that CFL's might emit some UV... like others have said though i wouldnt worry too much about trimming in a dark room, but thats a cool that your into the whole light degradation concept because it is very important to cure and stuff in the dark. The dark cycle i believe increases the crystal content of the plant but some of this degrades into CBDs and CBN's and other stuff . so the THC doesnt rise or fall but the CBD's and stuff (amber trichs) increases.. so if you want more of a pure THC high then chop after the 12 hours of darkness, if you want a more mature plant do the 36-48 hours thing. also people dehydrate their mediums, and some people flush 2 weeks prior. very controversial but everyone has their points.