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  1. G

    best dressed xmas tree ???

    well its that time of year nearly .... so lets have a best dressed tree 2013 ....pmsfl
  2. G

    How 'Bout Them Cowboys!

    accrington stanley pmsfl
  3. G

    Having sex with your plant! (First guy ever?)

    wtf haha went round to ma mates engineerin shop 3 yrs ago and he handed me a rod like piece of stainless and said guess whats that for ??? about 3 inch in length 10mm in diam taperd at one end !! i said its some fancy dart ends !!! he then logged me on to his pc next to the cnc machine and it...
  4. G

    Does anyone besides me take this?

    well mmm if your growin weed surley youve gotta ph meter or a ppm meter that you can use to check the purity of any water you inrtend to consume ??
  5. G

    usb digital microscope pen ?

    thanks guys cool :)
  6. G

    usb digital microscope pen ?

    just orderd 1 off flebay to check were im at with the trichs 10-200 magnification ???? anyone else ever used one of these for this purpose,ive purchased the pen version 5 mega pix ??? will it work
  7. G

    best dressed xmas tree ???

    who needs company when ya gotta tree like that in ur window ??? i just enjoy watchin all the guys walkin past droolin lol ...good job theres a sign sayin ??? plz dont nick ma weed theres cctv in operation ..hahaha
  8. G

    best dressed xmas tree ???

    n ya aint wrapped the prezzies yet lol
  9. G

    best dressed xmas tree ???

    i aim to make my world a better place lol :bigjoint:
  10. G

    best dressed xmas tree ???

    ok post ya best dressed xmas tree here lol ill start wi ma dismal attempt lol
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    I can't lose my one and only help me!

    just germed 5 diff strains and lookin at urs compared to mine theres nothing to worrie bout
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    snapped main flower ???

    thanks ringsixty :hump: was a clean break nearly all the way ...was well mortified...lets hope she pulls thru ... cant understand the buds below tho they have really taken on ??
  13. G

    snapped main flower ???

    hi guys i snapped my main flower off...not completely tho but most of way thru so usein my engineerin skills i zip tied it back togeather 1 1/2 weeks on its still goin strong but the 2 nodes below the main flower have really come on ie the flowers will this die off theres about 3 weeks left...
  14. G

    The UK Growers Thread!

    another uk grower pokin ma nose in sayin hi to all :o
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    ok so some of you guys say there good some dont ??? well ive gotta try it havent i ffs lol firstly i went on ebay and bought a dual spectrum 300 watt cfl ...normally run 400/600 mh/son t and it costs a fortune in the uk so ive just germd 5 seeds for my tent The Widow,Super Iced Grapefruit,Big...
  16. G

    colloidal silver

    cheers munkee....respect
  17. G

    Bottled water

    in a nuttshell bottled water is 5.5 ph and should be fine ...but gunna cost you lol ....happy growing spring water and the likes ...dont use disstiled or deionized
  18. G

    colloidal silver

    nope soz just done the maths ive got 6 weeks left both are in flower im just tryin at mo to hermi one which is already into 2 weeks flower ... big budda cheese ??
  19. G

    colloidal silver

    got about 5 weeks left ??? so its gunna be a close call !!
  20. G

    big up these guys telling our storey

    plz click like if ya do or fuck off if ya dont lol ?? play the vid its so fuckin true ....respect