The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ill take to the exchange shop later in the week and take a photo of the receipt and let u see it, only if he's goina give me 150 or he can fuck off too lol

u, a dremmel and ur light dosent sound like a good combo ic3
lol no its a old 250 all in one, ima cut of the hood part and solder my old hood up to it so its a seprate hood for the mh i wanna add, seen the dremmel lookalikes,, should do same job these

child broke me cordless drill/screwdriver, so the room prgress has slowed til i find another one for sale,


Well-Known Member
Anyone in need of a brand new(never been used) external DVD burner? think it might even be one of those ones that scribes a design onto the disc as well so ya know whats on it


Well-Known Member
why didn't you ask? I can lend you a drill, or 2.
coz ur always busy and never about, i can buy a 18 volt one on ebay for a score,

ive got one rimmer, 3 infact, so i really dont need one,

i think u know your getting old wen ur getting a hardon for powertools lol

wifes just said she sbuying me this


Well-Known Member
coz ur always busy and never about, i can buy a 18 volt one on ebay for a score,

ive got one rimmer, 3 infact, so i really dont need one,

i think u know your getting old wen ur getting a hardon for powertools lol

wifes just said she sbuying me this
Lol yeah but why's she buyin u it? Must have a job or two lined up for ye too m8..gotta watch em


Well-Known Member
good to see everyone happy lol
yeh suppose butid be happier if a certain sum1 would ring me,, no not you yorkie lol

Lol, soz mate my bad.

I'm a fucking stoner!

I'm off to meet her in 20 mins or so, I'll set the alarm on my phone now to remind me to text you the house number.
your no stoner, u look t prim and propper mush u got that student look, u just dont belnd in well down my end,

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
your no stoner, u look t prim and propper mush u got that student look, u just dont belnd in well down my end,
I'm fucking 33 so I'll take "that student look" as a compliment and if I can pass as a student then that suits the mission just fine, lol.

If you what you mean by not blending is I'm not black with holes in my trainers then I can understand, as for prim and proper that's exactly what your lass said to me the other day. What you two say about me when I've gone I'm fucking intrigued now, fuck knows what you'd think if you seen me suited and booted!

the exo i did was mint after a cure, why dont u cure it for a bit, im stil smoking it now, fucks u rite up!!
The rest of it is hanging, this is just a bit for now.