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  1. jack soffalot

    HATCH STYLE,Chronic,-Kindbud.-Couch~Lock,-Flo,-Romulan,-BullRider,-Willie

    hatch i gotta agree, bud porn for days on here. those buds are looking killa, and you definately got your shit dialed in.
  2. jack soffalot

    Masta's Ghetto Buds 2

    thank you much. the smell is like a skunks ass and is making me paranoid but like you said they are coming down very soon.:mrgreen::hump::hump: yes bong i have been using water from the potomac and you can see how much chemical pollution has affected it lol:peace::peace:.:-?:mrgreen: thanks for...
  3. jack soffalot

    White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

    we both must love michael bolton haha.:hump::hump:
  4. jack soffalot


    pizza hut is like a laxative.
  5. jack soffalot

    Masta's Ghetto Buds 2

    thanks big homie, it means a lot coming from you.:peace:
  6. jack soffalot

    Masta's Ghetto Buds 2

  7. jack soffalot

    Masta's Ghetto Buds 2

    i dont know bong i am working on it. all i have to do next is get out the power sander and get rid of these fingerprints on my fingers lol j/p.:mrgreen: damn bro sorry to hear that. hope it doesnt ruin your crop. i was bummed about mine at first, because i thought all the buds could have been...
  8. jack soffalot

    AK47 & HGS Mixer Pack | Seedling to Harvest | First try, 3/4lb

    awesome first harvest. props to you. i clicked on all the links and the buds looked nice.
  9. jack soffalot

    Next Big Indoor Grow 20+ plants

    yo where da nsw at?
  10. jack soffalot

    Masta's Ghetto Buds 2

    hey there peeps its koosh's alter ego jack soffalot.:hump::hump: well somehow i think my crazy wife fucked up my account and i cant remember my password for some reason hahaha.:confused: i promise to not sketch out like everyone else and will try to get pics tonight. the girls are close to...
  11. jack soffalot

    Muddies Buffet of Buddage

    nice grow!! soffalot ouuutt..
  12. jack soffalot


    i keep it gangsta!! this clip is gutta.. YouTube - 1969 Liberace Show plaing Tchaikovsky
  13. jack soffalot


    i love this thread. time to go chill and listen to my favorite artist.
  14. jack soffalot

    Check Out My Lady

    hey man nice buds.
  15. jack soffalot

    White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

    hey there bong you sure do grow purty w33d.:mrgreen: