Next Big Indoor Grow 20+ plants


Too many brownies
Found two hermies....they were two of the smaller plants but im still pissed....

They were both plants that I had revegged....I knew I should of just tossed them :evil:


New Member

Aww thanks lacy I hope I dont let anyone down at the end of the grow :mrgreen:
Hey NSW. I'm sure you won't . You haven't so far. :)

Found two hermies....they were two of the smaller plants but im still pissed....

They were both plants that I had revegged....I knew I should of just tossed them :evil:
I'm revegging some of mine also. So far so good but I am not sure I will be able to plant them outside yet. We'll see.
Good luck NSW>


Well-Known Member
nsw dude i am worried. i remember you talking about a thread how things were getting hot in your area so i hope all is well and you are on a vacation. if you get a chance let us know.


Well-Known Member
i know what county he is in. i haven't seen anything on the wire that matches (dont know his personal details but i do know age/race/etc...enough to see if there was a potential match)

i think maybe he made a choice to lay low - probably lurking and reading this with a bong in hand


Too many brownies
Dont worry guys im all right ive been really busy with school. EMT classes really cram you with info...lots of studying. Ive been trying to really cut down on my computer usage. (I was a little fucking addicted hahahaha)

I am taking pictures of everything as I go So heres a quick dump of photos. Ive harvested just about everything and my average yield was about 1.5 oz's per plant. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

My belladonna X sativa cross is fucking hazey as hell. spicy, perfumey taste. Definitely my favorite of all the bud.

Heres the photos sorry I couldn't keep this updated as I was doing it all.

All the way to the right is my creation! Bella X sativa (mexican haze)
