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  1. jessgrl

    kratom question

    I have friends who have taken it with no problem and gotten off it without w/drawal but of course they weren't taking 15-30 a day - I think the snri effects really made coming off it much worse for me. I want to lift my mood and ease my pain naturally and not go crazy with pills again
  2. jessgrl

    kratom question

    yeah, I need better pot :( even the supposedly good stuff around home hurts me (but it doesn't do that to bf?) gotta get us some good seeds
  3. jessgrl

    kratom question

    oh sorry! I just saw where you said to use kratomforest! does your dad use it regularly?
  4. jessgrl

    kratom question

    have you gotten it recently? I searched for kratom but can't find - I know I said I wasn't gonna try it but I really need to feel better :( I have gift card balance on amazon, otherwise I'd try a difft site
  5. jessgrl

    kratom question

    p.s. thanks for the replies ! I'm gonna do some more herbal research ;) I read skullcap acts as muscle relaxer, gonna check into it more
  6. jessgrl

    kratom question

    I had a drug counselor insist there was NOTHING in tramadol that could be in any ways addictive - all I know is it is "opiate-like" and it took away my pain better than any "real" opiate, all day long. 5 tram worked all day (in beginning) as opposed to a couple percs that would last a few hours...
  7. jessgrl

    kratom question

    oh no, tramadol screwed me up in the past (ok my over-taking it did) I'll keep searching for something I won't get hooked on (or figure out how to make the weed not make me ache more) thanks for the reply! ***I think I'd like kratom, I LOVED the first time I did percs YEARS ago, but don't want...
  8. jessgrl

    new here !

    thank you!! I've been browsing the seed sites, I'm afraid it may be awhile before I can afford to order any :(
  9. jessgrl

    kratom question

    I want to order some GOOD seeds as soon as I can, but until I can afford to get good lights (bf has been growing ONE plant for 5 months and it's not ready, I can't wait that long to find something to help with my pain/mood - whatever I smoke now makes me ache more) anyways, I was wondering...
  10. jessgrl

    new here !

    what's the difference between hash and weed for pain relief? hash is made from weed right?
  11. jessgrl

    new here !

    no, never tried it but I know I would like it, just can't afford it right now :( well, I think I'd like it better anyways
  12. jessgrl

    new here !

    thank you so much;-)!! I can't wait to try it (I really don't like the actual smoking part, would rather take a pill! by the time I get back home (visiting my son for a couple weeks) it'll be almost 3 weeks since I had any so I'll be ready to try it
  13. jessgrl

    new here !

    can I make my own extract pills? I did a search but didn't see anything, but maybe I'm too tired, been staring at this computer screen for too long today!
  14. jessgrl

    new here !

    bf says I am a lightweight when it comes to smoking I guess that's a good thing?! ;) ;)
  15. jessgrl

    new here !

    I want to learn to grow my own so I can try something specific like that, where I live (very small rural area) you pretty much take whatever you can find :( but I do know I can find edibles, I may try that to start with
  16. jessgrl

    new here !

    p.s. I did read somewhere that edibles are better for pain than smoking, is that true?
  17. jessgrl

    new here !

    oh it really really sucks!! there really isn't anything that I do that would be causing the pain, I haven't been to a dr. about it in years, after I spent a good year at least going through bone scans, x-rays, blood work etc. and they couldn't find anything. I've googled about this and there's...
  18. jessgrl

    new here !

    every once in awhile if I take a huge hit I cough so hard I almost puke ;) I just want to be able to smoke and TOTALLY relax and except when I smoke while soaking in hot bubble bath that doesn't happen :( and I hope you find a girl who is down with growing too!! omg I would much rather have a...
  19. jessgrl

    new here !

    I have been searching for reasons why smoking makes me ache so much more (and my legs ache enough as it is, no known reason - at least doctors never found any after tons of tests years ago) I stumbled on this site and really want to look around more but just thought I'd say hi! I'm so tired of...