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  1. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    It was a sad day yesterday.... ok. news update. and some bad news at that. We ended up getting a notice in our door saying that our landlords are coming to inspect all apartments today for the sprinkler systems and fire alarms, compounding the fact that we also would have to move at the end of...
  2. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    so yeah. I gave my 30 days notice on Friday. trying to sex these damn plants though is annoying...... if you guys can help me with that read this post:
  3. immacomputa

    which node is best to sex a plant on?

    so I threw my plants into 12/12 on June 26 after a period of 36 hours of darkness. I was wondering which node I should be looking on to be able to decide best what sex these plants are? the top nodes, 4th or 5th node? bottom nodes? I'm pretty sure already that 1 is female but I think I see a...
  4. immacomputa

    The misses or the MJ

    so did she give you reasons why she was giving the "ultimatum"? Mine was because the b/f smoked with my mom in my living room while I was taking a shower and was promising me that he wasn't smoking anymore (my mom ended up telling me a couple weeks later, fucked up right?) Also, he had been...
  5. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    it's totally ok. and yes it's from that crazy ass G.I. Joe cartoon. lol. I freaking love those G.I. Joe overdubs. They're freaking hilarious. you don't have access to IM me? you mean private message me? thats weird. I just checked my options and it said that private messaging was...
  6. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    good idea. I gotta give 30 days notice and I'll be outta here a the end of July. I'm sure this topic will be dead by the end of July though. lol. I'll update anyways and send you a PM if you want.
  7. immacomputa

    The misses or the MJ

    how long have you been dating her and have you tried to get her to smoke yet? (don't be pushy or anything but mention it to her if you can) I was super anti-smoking when I first met my b/f and he quit with me (personal choice we both made together) I did some thinking, had some life changes...
  8. immacomputa

    Sexing at germination

    aww, you should have tried to plant one or two straight shooted seedlings too so that you could see if it turned out female or what happened. I still think this is an interesting experiment nonetheless though. Conditions are important of course though! hehe. I don't think bad conditions can...
  9. immacomputa

    Sexing at germination

    such cute little which were curled over and which weren't? I see the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, but do you have any other labels to tell which are which?
  10. immacomputa

    Sexing at germination

    so how are people's experiments going?
  11. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    lol. it's just really stressful when I have bills to worry about, I'm moving out and getting our car on the road at the same time. also if I am going to move I have to make this decision BEFORE the end of the month or I'll get charged with august's rent and I can't afford that. also, I'm going...
  12. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    oh it's ok. lol. now that I'm thinking about it....and knowing our local roads, there's more likely to be a a cop standing on those than the highway!! lol the road I live on, for instance, has been under construction for a week and a half now because of a busted water main that occurred when...
  13. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    lol. true that true that. I'm a girl though guys. thanks for all the help so far. but do you think if I decide to do this should I take the highway or just drive on the local route? ugh I'm just so nervous right now. lol
  14. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    oh I can totally get a u-haul and do this in the late evening so it's not obvious. I'll be moving other stuff so I can just shove other stuff (pillows, blankets, clothes that need to be brought to new apartment anyways) that won't damage the plants around it or something. or do you recommend...
  15. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    unfortunately that can't be done. I don't have the money to start all over. :( The place I'm moving to is only like a 20 min drive from here if that makes the situation any better. lol
  16. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    bump because I need all of you lovely growers help!
  17. immacomputa

    Something To Reflect On.

    they are called y adapters can be bought at walmart for super cheap in the hardware department.
  18. immacomputa

    Possible move, need help!!!

    I am in a situation where I may need to move my grow by the end of July. Here's the lowdown on my plants: I started 9 plants on May 5th and they were in veg for 7 weeks and 1 day then I just plunged them into 36 hours of darkness at 7 PM Tuesday night and put the lights on this morning at 7 AM...
  19. immacomputa

    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    your plants look amazing!! keep up the good work!
  20. immacomputa

    Sexing at germination

    I'm pretty sure curly roots don't count. The root itself actually has to curl OVER itself. Curly roots mean nothing. Let's just let them have their experiment and see how this turns out instead of arguing over it. People are going to try it out anyways. Curiosity is human nature.