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  1. S

    Michigan outdoor grow

    Around may, I'm gonna be starting an outdoor grow. I live in michigan, and I'm not experienced at all with growing. If anyone that lives in michigan or pretty much anywhere in northeast USA could throw me some tips on a backyard grow it'd be greatly appreciated.
  2. S

    Making bubble hash

    Thanks man. That was a huge help
  3. S

    Making bubble hash

    What do use to beat the trim and ice water mixture? Just a normal wooden spoon?
  4. S

    Making bubble hash

    Thanks guys, much appreciated.
  5. S

    Making bubble hash

    My partner and I are growing about 10 outdoor plants. We plan on using about 3-4 ounces of our yield to make bubble hash. I know the basic process and have it pretty much down but I need some tips. If anyone could let me know: -what bubble bags to use, where to get them, etc. -how much bubble...
  6. S

    In need of some backyard grow tips.

    Oh believe me, that's one of our top priorities. Last season my partner had his biggest plant stolen. We're keeping our plants on lockdown lol.
  7. S

    In need of some backyard grow tips.

    This is my first time growing, and my partner's second. We're just doing a backyard grow and we're trying to learn more about the growing process and all the tools we'll need to produce some great bud. We need to know: -tips on good soils for outdoor, where to buy them or if we should make our...