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  1. M

    World Of Hempy

    very well ,thank you for your help!
  2. M

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    All the singers and dancers can go suck it tho, way too common.
  3. M

    The Main-Lining Thread

    i had to learn bonzai techniques in a hurry to manage my heights......
  4. M

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    have a great day!
  5. M

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    I know i said this already but i really cant stress how wonderful of a product this is.
  6. M

    FERO 336x3W and more, perpetual 12-12

    I grow in supersoil, I got good results with my first recipe(see pictures of my freshly harvested bud), now I changed a few ingredients, I think I improved it a bit. Time will tell.
  7. M

    Veg and Bloom Grow

    the posts are good.I like them
  8. M

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i use Shamrock potting compost petruska. everything ive grown in it grows like fcuk..