Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm not drunk (yet) or anything like that, but I just wanted to let you all know that I really miss hanging out here. I do log in almost everyday but I definitely don't chat like I used to. As some of you know after being out of work for a few years I started working again and... well it's taking all of my rollitup time.
I can't say I'm best buds with any of you, but I do miss (and love) the fun I had with you guys, when this was all I did.
Not like any of you care but I do log on everyday to make sure everyone is doing well... Haven't checked the DSB thread today but once I know everything is set up I'm gonna try and help homie out. Not that I know much of him but I know he needs it. and once FDD is gone I'll try and help that dude too. Never interacted with him but... well you know

any way enough with my jibber jabber... I'm gonna go get my drink and smoke on
Happy New Year
:peace: :hump::eyesmoke:

Stay High


Well-Known Member
I'm not drunk (yet) or anything like that, but I just wanted to let you all know that I really miss hanging out here. I do log in almost everyday but I definitely don't chat like I used to. As some of you know after being out of work for a few years I started working again and... well it's taking all of my rollitup time.
I can't say I'm best buds with any of you, but I do miss (and love) the fun I had with you guys, when this was all I did.
Not like any of you care but I do log on everyday to make sure everyone is doing well... Haven't checked the DSB thread today but once I know everything is set up I'm gonna try and help homie out. Not that I know much of him but I know he needs it. and once FDD is gone I'll try and help that dude too. Never interacted with him but... well you know

any way enough with my jibber jabber... I'm gonna go get my drink and smoke on
Happy New Year
:peace: :hump::eyesmoke:

Stay High

happy new year!! :)


Well-Known Member
tonight when i was working some asshole spilled his whole beer on the bar and it spilled on people and on the floor and everywhere lol.. all because he was mad at his girlfriend, fucking asshole.

jibber jabber

meechz 024

Active Member
cant believe its 2013, its sounds so future-y...i guess we're in the fucking future now. Why don't we have flying cars yet? Stop slacking all you engineers.


Well-Known Member
We made it {well some of us have}, 2013 a new year and a new "cycle".

I watch with anticipation, for my son is growing into a wonderfully intelligent boy and I keep a watchful eye to the horizon for the world is a very violent place.

I see friends growing older and the world getting smaller, I've met new friends here and hold hope that this year your grass will be greener.

2013 a time when the world was supposed to end and yet like a dream from which we have awaken, this surreal world looks the same but feels different as if change has truly occurred.

I wait.......and watch


Well-Known Member
Just woke up, laying in bed listening to last.fm radio atm. I got distracted and didnt watch the ball drop and now im woken up in 2013, feels weird. Got some party or something to go to in 2 1/2 hours and i reeeaallly dont want to >< I think ill call over some friebds instead to chill


Well-Known Member
Up till 4 a.m. this morning drinking whisky and coke with some friends,,,nothin like the gut killer to start of 2013,lol. Happy New year everyone!


Well-Known Member
Ok so you can fry up pig skin to make pork rinds and craklins why not chicken skin? Is the skin not the best part of fried chicken?


Well-Known Member
my wife just bought a dress for a wedding we're going to in february :hump:

it's a nice dress, but i still think i'll look better in my tux. i'm one of the groomsmen, fucking bow ties motherfucker.