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  1. G

    Scheer won't commit to keeping cannabis legal if Tories form government

    This is all BS speculation ... the legal ramifications for the re-illegalization of cannabis are HUGE!! Many LPs are now publically traded(sell shares on the stick market), and therefore are legally required to file law suits for any loss or potential loss of revenue. The estimated value of the...
  2. G

    Has my crop reached maturity at day 50 flowering?

    DUDE ... your plant looks good for a first grow but it does also have some MAJOR ISSUES! The yellowing fan leaves are from N deficiency. Yellowing fan leaves is NOT an indicator for harvest! A HEALTHY plant SHOULD have dark green leaves right up to harvest. Most people flush for the last 7-14...
  3. G

    How to make your own Genetically Modified Cannabis.

    Anybody ever heard of using radiation to genetically alter seeds? Anybody tried this with weed yet, or know of anything remotely similar to this. I have seen kits available to purchase that contain several packages of irradiated radish seeds. They used cobalt-60 at various intensities. The kit...
  4. G

    HID lights - Is there a difference in bulbs?

    Hey everybody... I was just wondering if there is a big difference in the $20 HID bulbs and the $150 bulbs? And if there is a difference, would this difference be beneficial to a noob? I can see there are slight differences in the amount of lumens produced, but from what I have seen there is...
  5. G

    Club 600

    Sorry got distracted and forgot to finish the directions for you lol.Next you need to make or buy an extractor ... If you make it DO NOT use coffee filters ... They will absorb a large portion of your end product and can also break or tear and ruin your oil. Next I freeze everything! Freezing...
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    Club 600

    I have made BHO many times! And every time is extremely pure and clean. First off get 3x distilled as a minimum, prefer 5x if possible but can be hard to find or pricey ... But well worth the expense. Cheap butane will give you killer migraines and can even leave a greasy residue on the end...
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    Club 600

    ... Savages is a new fav of mine ... Great movie but the whole sharing the woman thing is a little weird lol Dubs should be shared ... Women not so much!
  8. G

    Club 600

    Ok so I have not harvested a crop yet ... Still in the veg stage of my first grow. I am wondering if anybody has ever used a dehumidifier to initially dry your buds before putting into jars for curing. I have a pretty sweet dehumidifier I got for Xmas last year(was going through a raw food thing...
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    Club 600

    My granny(passed on now) grew for her bf when she was like 80 years old!! She didn't smoke herself, but I was hella surprised when I went to visit and she had a HUGE plant sitting on her enclosed patio! Just wish I could have puffed one with her ...
  10. G

    Noob Growing from seed.. advice please

    Ok I am fairly new to growing pot, however I have been growing all kinds of organic veggies for years now ... Not a whole lot of difference from what I can tell.My 2 cents for you .... Don't use styrofoam for germinating, styro tends to let a lot of light through and you don't want light on your...
  11. G

    Dual spectrum for veg? Too much lighting in flower?

    Sorry, got away from my actual question here. My main concern is adding the dual spectrum while still running the 600w MH. I know having some 6500k or veg spectrum in flower results in larger tighter buds. Can adding 2700k or flower spectrum during the veg cycle cause any harm, cell repair...
  12. G

    Dual spectrum for veg? Too much lighting in flower?

    I am running some 100w 6500k spec cfls for seedlings to about 3-5" tall, then they go under the HID for veg. My plan was to run the 150w dual spec cfls in addition to the 600w HID MH about 1 week before switching to 12/12. Then when switching to 12/12 I will keep the MH in for 1-2weeks, then...
  13. G

    Hydro/drip system for soil?

    I was considering running a circular system with my 1/2 inch main line tube, then creating some back pressure to the spaghetti lines by placing a small tube clamp onto the end of the main line but only restricting approximately 50%. I believe this should get the system going pretty good, may...
  14. G

    Hydro/drip system for soil?

    I was considering running a circular system with my 1/2 inch main line tube, then creating some back pressure to the spaghetti lines by placing a small tube clamp onto the end of the main line but only restricting approximately 50%. I believe this should get the system going pretty good, may...
  15. G

    Hydro/drip system for soil?

    I am considering installing a drip feed system in my cabinet. I am running pro-mix and all organics. I was thinking of running my AN nutes at 1/4 to 1/2 concentrations ... I assume since I will be using soil there will be less need for nutes than with a true hydro setup.My operation has to be...
  16. G

    Dual spectrum for veg? Too much lighting in flower?

    Hello all,I am at the initial stages of my first grow. I build a pimpin closet out of 1/2 inch mdf ... Outside dimensions are 3' deep, 4 feet wide, and 7 feet tall. I am currently running a 600w HID with a digital ballast for veg. I just ordered 2 massive cfl lights to assist with flowering...
  17. G

    sound vibration

    This study is not very scientific. I have read this study several times before. This study was not conducted using clones therefore genetic differences come into play and effect growth rates. Also, her grow rooms were not controlled environments. For this study to be scientifically reliable you...
  18. G

    sound vibration

    Sound waves are vibrations. It doesn't really matter what type of music you play or who the artist is, it doesn't even really matter how loud you play your music. Devices like the Biowave are designed to produce specific vibrations that plants appear to respond to (NASA is currently researching...
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I can't believe people still mix tobacco into their dubs!!! That's just crazy! To me(and probably every Canadian) that is totally wasting good herb! That's like pissing in a good scotch, or mixing water with a good glass of wine. Weed is intended to be enjoyed on its own, not to be mixed with...
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    Club 600

    Really off topic for this thread, however I thought I would give my 2 cents...The problem is that these types of machines only work on a small scale. If you scaled these experiments up by 100 or 1000 times you would need 100 or 1000 times the magnetic force. The main issue here being that...