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  1. themullisk

    News - the federal government will not interfere in marijuana legalization within...

    Illinois passed a bill for medical marijuana its effective 1-1-14 Wisconsin on the other hand is probably going to be one of the last considering our officials don't give two shits about the people
  2. themullisk

    What is happening here???

    don't use mg soil get a good organic soil and start there take the less is more approach trust me on this!
  3. themullisk

    What is happening here???

    its seeded
  4. themullisk

    What's Wrong? Leaves curling, wilting, brown on edges

    that's fried big guy! nute burn
  5. themullisk

    High temps/humidity buds WILL NOT dry

    cardboard box and paper bags Wisconsin isn't any better you just have to be super carful man or u could easly get moldy ass buds and no body likes that!
  6. themullisk

    cloning how did i do?

    still haven't rooted? told ya you got air in the stem from flipping them upside down and shit.... once a clone roots it starts to yellow just a fyi edit: also your mother plant looks a bit too young. you want to wait at least a month before cloning other wise there is not enough hormones to...
  7. themullisk

    you have got to be fucking kidding me!

    I just love the fact the first time I break my rule of no fronts because people are stressed out and really need help and there sap stories bullshit I end up getting fucked!
  8. themullisk

    you have got to be fucking kidding me!

    anybody need Harley parts or a firebird? rofl
  9. themullisk

    you have got to be fucking kidding me!

    or theres gonna be some broken jaws
  10. themullisk

    you have got to be fucking kidding me!

    250... 125 to each
  11. themullisk

    you have got to be fucking kidding me!

    so I decided to be a nice guy this last week and front a couple people and low and behold guess what apparently no one can answer there phone...... now im in a weird position of needing this money and trying to be a cool guy and wanting to flip the fuck out on them cause I need my fucking cash...
  12. themullisk

    cloning how did i do?

    am I the only one who noticed he flipped the clones upside down that's how u create a embolism, which kills ur clones its air in the stem. you never want to put r clones on the side or upside down that's a big no-no.
  13. themullisk

    when is the best time of day to water you plant ?

    morning or night just not in midday when a lot of the water will evaporate
  14. themullisk

    cali con's boss hogg

    they all do cause the seed grows into the calyx and the hairs fall off
  15. themullisk

    cali con's boss hogg

    for the first time I decided to go rogue an put my fresh popd beans into a rock wool cube..... fail! all my tap roots died off wtf. and ofcorse both of my boss hogs and my criticalxsuper silver haze the two I wanted the most SMFH! shoulda stuck with dirt :(
  16. themullisk

    OG KUSH info needed

    just a fyi not trying to be a douche but a picture would seriously help to identify what the issue is I have a og kush mother for a few years from th seeds I believe so I have a fairly good understanding of og kush and ive seen several different reasons the leaf can curl so id suggest you suck...
  17. themullisk

    Grateful420s 2013 Outdoor Garden

    yeah they look like that with out as much twisting but they have a lot more yellow
  18. themullisk

    Grateful420s 2013 Outdoor Garden

    ive been using rockwool cubes in a humidity dome with out to much success the leaves get very yellow and it stunts the plants I might have to try root riot cubes
  19. themullisk

    Cast Your Vote for best AUTOFLOWER strain.

    if you have a nice deep container like a garbage can you can get some really good yields off of mi5 it likes to drop its taproot pretty far down then the plant really blows out into a nice bush and its got some great purples its a ak x purple afghan and a ruderalis to make it auto flower and...
  20. themullisk

    Grateful420s 2013 Outdoor Garden

    are you rooting the clones before or after putting then in party cups?