when is the best time of day to water you plant ?


Well-Known Member
there are lots of peeps saying you should water early in the morning before sun rise but could you still water like for indoors when your light come on or is it better to do it late evening or lights off.


Well-Known Member
indoors it rally doesn't matter but is best to hit it early in the light cycle so it isn't just sitting around wet all night. evaporation isn't a problem indoors like it is outdoors. mid day is fine indoors


Well-Known Member
A lot of people recommend watering within the first hour or so of lights on, but due to work hours I wasn't able to water until an hour or so before lights off and I never had any negative issues.
Its raining here today,, i need to feed nutes asap, my plant is showing signs. I had 5 water leaves tainted and its raing so should i feed still or wait till it stops raining and wait for the plant to dry out????