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  1. T

    Wrinkled leaves?

    I've been having recent issues with my leaves, and only on some plants and only in some areas, My leaves have become wrinkled/turning yellow a bit on the wrinkled one. I checked my soil ph and it was about 6.0 from the water run off. I give 12 plants 10 gallons of water while feeding them, and...
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    Flowering for the first time?

    This is my first grow, and i'm ready to flower, but I have some questions, The light cycle 12 on 12 off, can I make that anytime? Currently my lights are on a 18 hours on - 6 off. 11-5pm. Dumb cycle, it should be at night.. but i didn't set it. So can I make a whole new cycle from 7pm-7am on...
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    I have no idea what's wrong with my plants.

    It would be the slightest possibility, but it is indeed possible, but if i did, could that be the cause of it, because it's really only on that guy, and my leaves feel a little dry, but then again, it is my first grow and i'm not sure how they should "feel" exactly.
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    I have no idea what's wrong with my plants.

    yes, I have a circulating fan, also a van blowing in air from outside the room, and a small area that lets out the hot rising air through the attic, I'm starting to think it might be a light burn or a nutrient burn, judging by the pictures i've seen on other sites and google.
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    I have no idea what's wrong with my plants.

    I use a fox farm blend, I do the regular amount is says to use, so i don't think it has anything to do with that. I had been spraying the room with some water it might have gotten on the leaves a little, but I didn't think that would make a huge difference, would it? And It's a her, sorry. I was...
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    I have no idea what's wrong with my plants.

    It's my first grow, and things have been going pretty well. I give them nutrients every other watering, and they are growing pretty fast, also giving them some co2 from my co2 tank, i'm not sure if that is what is doing it to him, because it's really only on this plant. I'm not sure what is...
  7. T

    What could this be? [Drooping leaves and yellow new foliage]

    I was growing with my a friend who was taking care of most of it, but he had to stop. I put them on a new nutrient system, but fear it's to little so I bought a whole new nute kit and will start that soon with some micronutes. I water about every 2 weeks, 12 plants, 5 gallons on water, but the...
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    What could this be? [Drooping leaves and yellow new foliage]

    I'll work on my ph, and check the soil moisture. I just bought a new micronut and a whole new set of other nutes as well. Thanks for the tips.
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    What could this be? [Drooping leaves and yellow new foliage]

    I'm a new grower and i've noticed new yellow foliage coming in and some of them having a couple drooping leaves, what could these be signs of? the yellowness isn't on the bottom, just new and top inter foliage.
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    Miracle grow, will i need nutes?

    I don't think I'm understanding how often I should give my plants nutrients, I heard twice a week, and when do I use just water?
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    Miracle grow, will i need nutes?

    How exactly does one throw away soil and bring in new soil? Won't that stunt growth or hurt the plant?
  12. T

    Miracle grow, will i need nutes?

    Yes, It is 1 teaspoon and it tells me how much per gallon of water, I believe my plants will take 2 5 gallon jugs of water in their 5 gallon pots. Also, how often would I water them? Would I ever change from the instructions. Ill do more research, I'm totally new to this, and want it to become a...
  13. T

    Miracle grow, will i need nutes?

    Here are the nutrients I currently have, how often, and how much do i give them? I heard about a 3 day system. One day nutes, next day water, and the 3rd nothing. For 12 plants, how often would you give them nutrients. These are them.
  14. T

    Miracle grow, will i need nutes?

    I'm a novice farmer, doing my first grow, I have miracle grow potting mix and am wondering if I will need other nutes during flowering, I got 12 plants dumped on me with no help or advice, I could use any at this point.