What could this be? [Drooping leaves and yellow new foliage]

I'm a new grower and i've noticed new yellow foliage coming in and some of them having a couple drooping leaves, what could these be signs of? the yellowness isn't on the bottom, just new and top inter foliage.



I would crap my pants just yet.....
check ur ph, or
could be low sulfur
could be low magnesium
low nitrogen..
dont do anything crazy though,
but then again.... what do i know?


BTW, they do not look bad to me,
just watch your watering as well, not too much
lol right? how much is too much?
you gonna have to figure that one out.
not bone dry, but defenitely not soggy
I'll work on my ph, and check the soil moisture. I just bought a new micronut and a whole new set of other nutes as well. Thanks for the tips.


check the ph of the run-off water, not sure if you knew that or not. i bought a soil ph meter, POS doesnt really work. less u have the cash for a good one lol
just my opinion again..... dont go crazy on nutes....
i did/have.... now I have a bunch that i use just cuz i spent the money on them.



Well-Known Member
Those don't look like anything to worry about....
Tell us a little about your water, watering habits, feeding, lights, plant age.
I can't really tell for sure, but looks like about a month old?
If a month or more, you can start feeding a little, probably getting ready to show signs of N hunger.
I was growing with my a friend who was taking care of most of it, but he had to stop. I put them on a new nutrient system, but fear it's to little so I bought a whole new nute kit and will start that soon with some micronutes. I water about every 2 weeks, 12 plants, 5 gallons on water, but the soil seems to stay moist for the most part, which i'm not sure is bad. It's a miracle grow potting soil blend, which I am against, but oh well. Currently on 2 500w MH. which I can switch to 750 or 1000, at any time, but not sure if that would be to much. They are about 1 month old clones. I Ph the water, but I haven't tested soil PH, but I plan on doing a flush sometime soon if you think that will help.


Well-Known Member
Feeding is OK, as long as the roots are established, and don't worry about the MG.
I am in MG moisture control, with about 40%MG perlite right now, and my plant is happy.
I would try and keep your PH at about 6.5, that's what I do, and just got a soil checker the other day, and my soil PH is right at 6.6
Just make sure to PH after adding nutes to your water, because it will change your PH.
(Usually lower the PH), and you should have plenty of light for now I would think.
My plant is 2 months old, with (1 month vegging under 100w), now under 300w of CFL's.
If it's a month old, I think it's OK to start feeding, but start out easy, and increase every other time.
If you repot soon, I would be sure to add some perlite, I have found it really helps, after not having any in my last 2 plants.


Active Member
It's definitely nitrogen. Nitrogen always starts at the back of the leafs and mag at the front or the side fringes.


Well-Known Member
No N def starts at the bottom of the plant and works its way up. Its either heat/light stress or transplant/relocation shock.


Active Member
1. Canna Coco grow
2. Nervana Master Kush
3. Canna A B Neuts at 1/3 strength
4. 11 days old from seed

Woke up this morning and noticed tips of two leaves browned and yellow. All plants seem a little yellow compared to yesterday. Transplanted today from solo cups into 1 gallon containers. Roots were curling up the bottoms of cups. Canna was very wet when transplanted. Needing some help. Did I over water or possibly over feed?