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  1. .blunt.

    Everything Ravished, everything burned.

    Hurricane Irene, plus about 3 weeks of rain have successfully killed every plant this year. Came upon my plot of 12 girls all totally rotted and mucky. Two weeks ago there were several ounces, today only several ounces of muck. :-( better luck next year.. first are the only pics i took of...
  2. .blunt.

    Wind speed

    At what rate is the wind deadly to plants? I have been worrying like crazy over Irene, but luckily they are only predicting 40mph winds here as opposed to the 100mph winds they were talking about yesterday. I am not sure I can make it out today to stake the plants, but I am trying to..Can they...
  3. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    Yeah, i have been worried about how moist the soil is there too...Is there any way to give them better drainage without digging into the roots??
  4. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    bump...are these plants screwed? They are pretty stalky and not very bushy, so does it look like I will get much from them if all 10 make it?
  5. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    Thanks, yeah I always felt like we should've used a bit of fert, but since the plot is right near a marsh-like area, we kinda assumed that there was already enough nutrient in the soil..This dirt is actually amazing--have never had to water even in 105 degree heat. could be all the humic acid...
  6. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    oh yeah, did some flysishing along the way...lil' bass on the fly
  7. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    Alright, I finally remembered to bring a camera along..Still feel a lil' sketch about uploading photos, but I need to as there are some problems. We have super high humidity here in the mid-atlantic, and it has been raining non-stop for the past week or so, so I've got some mold issues.Here's...
  8. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    It has been a long asssss time since I have posted on here..Had a lot of delays on getting this all started because of work overload, but we finally got out today and planted 18 lil' ones that have been in my friends yard for a month. Cleared out a 7'X20' patch of 5 foot tall stinging nettle...
  9. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    Thanks for those Canada. Look like some pretty trustly useful sources.
  10. .blunt.

    Baltimore adventure worth it??

    Using about the same formula this season. I want a hypothetical 15 surviving females, so I plan to germ about 45... Just don't try and grow where I'm growin' or else......:fire:
  11. .blunt.

    Schematics + costs please check

    I'm no expert myself but, main problem I see is the space: 4 plants per. sq. ft. ?! seems a bit much. I'd say 1 plant per ATLEAST 2.5 sq. ft. is more like it.. If you're limited to that space you may want to cut down the number of plants.
  12. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    thanks guys... GrowUS maybe I worded that badly, but Im not using pots as they would attract attention if there were to be any close encounters. And yea I may take you up on the fert advice later on in the season. RIP to your father.. That's tough man...went out like a true OG. Dankasaurus, hmm...
  13. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    Thanks growUS, I plan to water atleast twice a week or more judging on how harsh the summer turns out. Also the general spot is completely surrounded by water sources, so if I don't live up to that strictly , I don't think there will be much harm done. We chose spots with good southern clearing...
  14. .blunt.

    First Serious Grow!

    Howdy RIU, Been lurking and learning up for a few years now but never got around to posting anything...Anyways this year will be my first seriously planned outdoor attempt. Previously I have taken the 'toss these out in the woods and see what happens' approach. Now two buddies and I are...