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  1. danknuggs419

    Why Hydroponic chemical is worth more then Organic!

    Dan, please tell me how you cqn dismiss science? Please do, when the fact of growing a plant is science and it took science to tell us that nitrogen levwls need to be high in veg and pk in flower? Also, in all these posts, you only speak of npk? 3 of the 6 macronutes and haven't said anything of...
  2. danknuggs419

    Why Hydroponic chemical is worth more then Organic!

    ^^^....both above posts are spot on. Ill never bash hydro, they're great systems. But agree 100% that its about genetics and the grower being able to get their potential. And knowing his/her system inside and out. Its just my opinion that I grow better bud in an organic or technically veganic...
  3. danknuggs419

    Why Hydroponic chemical is worth more then Organic!

    High kite, +rep, great post.. And dan, outside of epson salt, I haven't bought anything off a store shelf or from a chain store in last two years. Albeit some organic/veganic growers use premade nutes, I do not. My organic soil comes sourced locally from a nursery, I have 3 different compost...
  4. danknuggs419

    Why Hydroponic chemical is worth more then Organic!

    Dan, the fact you're extremely condescensing about a natural lifestyle. I never said I was shootings for the 1500s way of life. I've done the corporate lifestyle, made my $ and business experience gained and have successfully transferred it into a business of my own. I'm not disputing hydro...
  5. danknuggs419

    Flowering Times 12on 12off or 9on 15off????

    Just my 0.02¢....photosynthesis only occurs (in a cannibis plant, some plant are different) during daylight or lights on for indoor growers. 12/12 is the adopted light cycle in the cannibis community as it first stimulates the change from vegetation to flower and at the same time keeps the...
  6. danknuggs419

    Why Hydroponic chemical is worth more then Organic!

    Dan, you've broke down a couple things I said too literally. The comment involving gmo's was there to elaborate difference. I've never heard anyone say they were trying to improve on nature? And there's also a difference in throwing bagseeds outside than growing in a natural way. Its to each...
  7. danknuggs419

    Why Hydroponic chemical is worth more then Organic!

    Its people like you, high kite that make RIU a pissing contest between people and give ganja a bad name. Try not to judge, ridicule, or belitttle people. I ddo grow in a soil that contains "shit" from varius organisms. The funny thing is, if you eat, you eat food grown in shit. :) happy tokin...
  8. danknuggs419

    Why Hydroponic chemical is worth more then Organic!

    This thread is ridiculous, honestly. So many people bashing organic growers? And how hydro chemicals are better for you. First lets just know that cannabis cultivation/sale is the most lucrative agricultural crop in the word. We have finally passed the poppy's and cocoa leaves. Second, how...
  9. danknuggs419

    favorite fruity strains?

    Mr ganja, I do not know you personally, however your words and attacks of others is fairly sad. Every grower has his/her own techniques and philosophy of what works best. Sadly, most of them cannot explain it. I strongly disagree that MH enhances flavor and quality. It can however enhance...
  10. danknuggs419

    favorite fruity strains?

    Hey, figured I'd chime in. Still uneasy to post pics/grow threads as I'm in a non medical state with pretty harsh possession charges let alone cultivation ha Anyways, just grew out a pack of Sannie's Chocolate Rain (dna's chofolope x dj short cocoa kush) wow! I ended up with a different phenos...
  11. danknuggs419

    How many innocent lives are your guns worth?

    I believe all of the recent deaths of shootings barely come close to Timothy McVeigh's slaughter of OK City and many components were household, and all easily attainable. No ban on corn starch? I believein the constitution and the ideals set within it, what mab knows better howw to prevent...
  12. danknuggs419

    Wholesale vs. Retail POUNDS!!!!

    Wow, this thread has really made me chuckle...$560/oz for kush? You're kidding right? 2/3rds of "kush" isn't even real kush for starters. You honestly have people pay that pric, you must either sell to hs/frat kids who haven't learned any better. I grow medical grade quality, sell it to...
  13. danknuggs419

    Last two weeks - BULK OR FLUSH?

    New to RIU forum activity but not to RIU nor growing/consuming cannabis...I've done my own separate tests of this theory of flushing and bulk nutes @ end of flower cycle.. In my opinion, flushing for two weeks is a myth. I've found that the harvest and curing methods are best way to achieve...